Ink wash painting exhibition celebrates National Day

August 29, 2019 - 07:42

Việt Nam’s landscapes and lifestyles are topics of ink wash paintings on display at the HCM City Fine Arts Association to mark the 74th anniversary of National Day, September 2.


Visitors view a bird-flower painting at the 2019 Tranh Thủy Mặc (Ink Wash Painting) exhibition opening at the HCM City Fine Arts Association. — Photo courtesy of the organiser

HCM CITY — Việt Nam’s landscapes and lifestyles are topics of ink wash paintings on display at the HCM City Fine Arts Association to mark the 74th anniversary of National Day, September 2.

The 2019 Tranh Thủy Mặc (Ink Wash Painting) exhibition showcases 72 paintings by 42 artists who are members of the Chinese Fine Arts Club.

The paintings were created during nine field trips to provinces and cities in the northern, central and Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta regions, organised by the association this year.

Some of these works feature lifestyles of HCM City such as Hẻm Sài Gòn (Alley in Sài Gòn) by Huỳnh Phong, Góc Chợ Bình Tây (A Corner of Bình Tây Market) by Trần Văn Hải, and Sân Khấu Đời Người (Tuồng (classical drama) Performers) by Trương Lộ.

Vietnamese landscapes, sea and islands are also highlighted in works like Triển Vọng Đảo Lý Sơn (Potentials of Lý Sơn Islands) by Huỳnh Tuần Bá, Sông Lô Ngư Ảnh (Fisherman of Lô River) by Trương Lộ, and Phong Cảnh Tràng An (Landscape of Tràng An) by Lý Bỉnh Toàn.

The exhibits include mountain-water and bird-flower paintings in traditional styles.

Huỳnh Văn Mười, chairman of the association, said: “Through the exhibition, Chinese artists want to introduce their latest paintings to colleagues and art lovers in HCM City, and send their love to the art community.”

“The exhibition is also the club’s annual programme to celebrate the August Revolution and National Day.”

The exhibition is open until September 2. The association is at  218A Pasteur Street in District 3. — VNS
