
Bình Dương attracts $2.4b FDI in 2019

The southern province of Bình Dương in the first nine months of the year experienced positive signs in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), reaching US$2.42 billion, jumping by 81 per cent over the same period last year.

Interest rates of G-bonds plunge in 10 years

Over the past 10 years, the interest rates of successfully-issued Government bonds (G-bonds) have decreased significantly, saving thousands of billions of dong for the State budget, contributing to regulate and stabilise the macro-economy.

Where next for renewable energy?

According to experts, national energy transition process requires comprehensive and synchronised policies. Đỗ Đức Quân, Vice Director General of the Electricity and Renewable Energy Authority under the Ministry of Industry and Trade, speaks to Việt Nam News reporter Nguyễn Linh Anh about how to promote efficient and sustainable energy transition in Việt Nam.

New FiT rate expected to promote investment in solar energy

Many businesses and investors are waiting for the Government’s decision on the feed-in tariff (FiT) rate for solar power projects nationwide, which is expected to be released this month, to set up long-term investments in solar power projects in Việt Nam.

