Completing Việt Nam’s initiatives helps strengthen ASEAN

Although the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be unpredictable in many ASEAN countries, Việt Nam has actively proposed and participated in regional initiatives to promote economic recovery and maintain production and supply chains both in the region and the world.

AES Mong Duong awarded the ISO 55001:2014 Certification

AES Mong Duong has been awarded the ISO 55001:2014 Certification by Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS – UK Branch for the asset management system of the 1,200 MW Mong Duong 2 BOT Thermal Power Plant in Quảng Ninh Province, Việt Nam. With this certificate, AES Mong Duong becomes one of the first companies in the country to be recognised for its effective asset management system.

Việt Nam's aviation industry expands market to maintain growth

The novel coronavirus epidemic has affected the socio-economic development of Việt Nam, including the transport sector. Minister of Transport Nguyễn Văn Thể speaks to Vietnam News Agency about solutions to control the epidemic and promote business activities of the industry to compensate for losses.

VNTLAS decree, a key tool to minimise illegal timber products, says expert

The Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) is drafting a decree of Vietnam Timber Legality Assurance and Agreement (VNTLAS), which is seen as a key tool to prevent illegal timber products. Deputy Director General of VNFOREST Phạm Văn Điển spoke with Việt Nam News reporter Thu Giang about the importance of this decree.

Vietnamese entrepreneurs a pillar of socio-economic development

On the occasion of Vietnam Entrepreneurs' Day (October 13), President of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and Chair of the Central Council for Vietnamese Businesses  Vũ Tiến Lộc spoke to the Vietnam News Agency about opportunities and challenges facing Vietnamese entrepreneurs in today's economy. 

Developing bond market can help satisfy demand for capital

Vietnamese enterprises are in dire need of capital to expand production and business, but the current development of the capital market cannot meet this demand. While the stock market and government bonds are gradually helping raise capital, the corporate bond channel has not developed as expected. Đỗ Ngọc Quỳnh, general secretary of the Việt Nam Bond Market Association, spoke with the Vietnam News Agency about the mechanism's inadequacies, credit ratings and information disclosure on the capital market

Việt Nam needs sustainable e-commerce development

Việt Nam has had strong development in internet economy over past years, including growth of e-commerce in all fields of the socio-economy. The country needs solutions to develop further e-commerce in the future.

VN seeks new ways to attract private funds for infrastructure projects

Việt Nam is seeking more private investment to finance infrastructure projects, but it also needs to generate higher returns on those investments. Naoyuki Yoshino, dean of the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADB Institute), spoke to Việt Nam News reporters Bồ Xuân Hiệp and Nguyễn Việt Dũng about ways to attract private funds for infrastructure development.


Transparency critical to seize opportunities

The US-China trade war is escalating sharply. In the most recent move, the US imposed a 10 per cent tariff starting from Monday on US$200 billion of Chinese imports. These tariffs will then rise to 25 per cent on January 1. In retaliation, China has decided to impose taxes on about $60 billion worth imports from the US together with the publication of a white paper about US trade frictions. For Việt Nam, the trade war will bring opportunities and risks. Việt Nam News reporter Mai Linh talks with industry associations about possible impacts of a trade war between the world’s two largest economies on their industries.

Exchange rate no problem for Việt Nam

The exchange rate between the Vietnamese đồng and the US dollar has kept on rising significantly in recent weeks, which has surprised both investors and analysts in Việt Nam despite the economy’s stable development and historical-high foreign reserves. Việt Nam News reporter Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn discusses the issue with Phạm Tiến Dũng, deputy head of Research and Investment Advisory Department at Bảo Việt Securities Joint Stock Company

SAEZ policies must prevent abuses of power

The Law on Special Administrative-Economic Zones (SAEZs) will continue to be discussed at the fifth session of the 12th National Assembly. The law is expected to create a breakthrough to attract investment.
