Total COVID-19 cases in Việt Nam hits 267

April 15, 2020 - 06:46

The 46-year-old man is the 13th person to contract coronavirus in Hạ Lôi Village, Hà Nội’s Mê Linh District.

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HÀ NỘI — Another person from a village identified as a COVID-19 hotspot has tested positive for the virus.

The 46-year-old man is the 13th person to contract coronavirus from Hạ Lôi Village in Hà Nội’s Mê Linh District.

Wednesday morning’s announcement from the Ministry of Health means there have now been a total of 267 COVID-19 patients in Việt Nam.

He is the father of the 257th patient and husband of the 258th patient. He had close contact with patient 243 on March 20.

He was taken to a quarantine centre on April 8 and started to develop a fever, sore throat and tiredness five days later.

He tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 on April 14.

The man is being treated at the National Hospital for Tropical Disease No 2 in Hà Nội’s Đông Anh District.

So far, 169 people who contracted the disease have been treated and made a full recovery. — VNS
