Hà Nội works to limit gender imbalance among newborns

January 30, 2019 - 15:45

Hà Nội has set a goal this year to limit the imbalance in the sex ratio of births at the current rate of 113 girls per 100 boys.

Nurses taking care of newborn babies at the Hà Nội Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital. — VNA/VNS Photo
Viet Nam News

HÀ NỘI — Hà Nội has set a goal this year to limit the imbalance in the sex ratio of births at the current rate of 113 girls per 100 boys.

According to the municipal Department of Health, local family planning work is difficult due to the city’s large population and area.

In 2018, the capital recorded more than 117,780 births, representing a rate of 15.13 births per 1,000 people, an annual decrease of 0.17 per thousand.

The city said this year, it will continue implementing its project on screening tests before and during pregnancy. Communications campaigns to raise public awareness about how to care for children’s physical development via exercises and nutrition are also important.

Statistics show that the national sex imbalance at birth has increased from 107 boys per 100 girls in 1999 to 110.5 in 2009, 113.8 in 2013 and 112.2 at present.

The imbalance is increasing nationwide. As many as 55 out of the 63 cities and provinces have a sex ratio at birth exceeding 108 boys per 100 girls, including Hà Nội.

The imbalance in Việt Nam is mainly caused by the longstanding cultural preference for male children over females. People have gained easier access to affordable sex determination and sex selection technology, allowing couples to pursue their desire for sons.

Without prompt intervention, Việt Nam will have 2.3 to 4.3 million fewer women than men by 2050. — VNS

