Sharp increase in number of international passengers refused entry at airports: Aviation authority

September 20, 2024 - 10:10
According to aviation statistics, the number of international passengers arriving in Việt Nam who were denied entry at airports across the country were 886 and 600 in 2023 and first half this year, respectively, as compared to 404 in 2020.


International passengers at Hà Nội's Nội Bài Airport. — VNA/VNS Photo 

HÀ NỘI — The number of passengers being refused entry at airports across the country has increased sharply, reported the Civil Aviation Authority of Việt Nam (CAA).

According to the aviation statistics, the number of international passengers arriving in Việt Nam who were denied entry at airports across the country were 886 and 600 in 2023 and in the first half of 2024, respectively, as compared to 404 in 2020 (when the country closed up its border in response to COVID-19 pandemic).

To limit the situation, CAA has just issued a document to airlines operating regular international flights to Việt Nam on managing air travel documents for passengers entering and in transit.

“The increase in cases of passengers being refused entry causes losses to carriers, puts pressure on airports and poses potential risks of security, safety, and order at airports and on planes," a leader of CAA said.

Airlines should take effective measures to minimise the number of international passengers being refused entry to Việt Nam at airports, he said.

CAA also noted that aircraft operators must take necessary precautions when boarding passengers to guarantee that passengers have all the correct documents required by the transit and arriving countries, as well as promptly update passengers of Vietnamese and international regulations on entry, exit, and transit.

The agency requests that the authorities and competent forces where the plane departs strictly control passengers' documents to minimise cases of ineligibility for entry or transit Việt Nam due to airline travel documents.

In addition, airlines need to disseminate information in many forms to airline passengers and relevant travel companies about regulations on airline travel documents. — VNS

