Leaders join round-table discussions on best practices for gender equality

June 07, 2024 - 10:07
During the conference, presenters shared best solutions and international experiences in promoting gender equality as well as the paths leading to gender equality.
Participants at the round-table discussion. — VNS Photo Thu Trang

HÀ NỘI — Việt Nam has achieved commendable progress in ensuring gender equality in both political and social life compared to other countries in the region, leaders agreed while attending a round-table discussion held in Hà Nội.

The discussion was organised by the Embassy of Chile in Việt Nam, in co-ordination with the embassies of Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, Spain, Sweden and the Diplomatic Academy of Việt Nam.

The aim was to find a best approach to promote gender equality, remove obstacles that hinder women's progress in fully realising their autonomy and other legal rights.

Participants confirmed that Việt Nam had promising and ambitious goals for women's empowerment and women's leadership in recent times.

During the conference on Thursday, the representatives shared international experiences in promoting gender equality as well as the paths leading to gender equality.

Achieving the objectives requires rethinking the social gaps and institutions that maintain inequality both internationally as well as nationally.

United Nations Resident Coordinator in Việt Nam, Pauline Fatima Tamesis, said that she believed equality is the foundation of a peaceful and prosperous society, adding that globally, it is estimated that one in three people had been a victim of sexual violence in their lives.

In many areas of the world, women and girls suffer more consequences from crises brought on by conflict, climate change and the prolonged impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To achieve equality, everyone people must take action, she said, emphasising that much work is still to be done.

At the event, the Embassy of Chile declared that in June, their Ministry of Foreign Affairs had, for the first time implemented a Feminist Foreign Policy.

The policy takes the principles of equality and non-discrimination as the focus of Chile's foreign policy and applies measures to legitimise gender perspectives.

It calls on men and women to act from a perspective of respect and promotion of human rights.

Việt Nam is Chile's long-time ally and most important partner in Southeast Asia, with common views and interests in the field.

The embassy hopes that the conference will be a bridge for diplomats, politicians and other leaders to debate experiences, challenges in breaking gender barriers and create opportunities for women to advance, actively contributing to ongoing efforts for women and girls in Việt Nam as well as in the world. — VNS
