Land hand-over for Long Thành International Airport completed

November 06, 2023 - 07:33
ACV has received a full handover of 2,532 hectares of land from Đồng Nai Province, including 1,810 hectares in the project construction area and 722 hectares in the land reserve area.


The bidding package of piling is being carried out at Long Thành International Airport. VNA/VNS Photo

HCM CITY – Airports Corporation of Việt Nam (ACV) has received land for the construction of Long Thanh International Airport, phase 1.

Specifically, ACV has received a full handover of 2,532 hectares of land from Đồng Nai Province, including 1,810 hectares in the project construction area and 722 hectares in the land reserve area.

However, the corporation said that the site for two traffic routes connecting to the project had not yet been completely handed over. Route No. 1 had received 60.28 out of 66.45 hectares of land (equivalent to 90.7 per cent) while Route No. 2 got 20.50 out of 59.68 hectares (equal to 34.3 per cent).

Therefore, the corporation requested the locality to speed up site clearance and handover of the remaining area to ensure the construction progress.

ACV’s leaders said they had prepared a source of money for the site clearance cost of about VNĐ1.6 trillion (US$65.2 million) and would immediately transfer it to the locality when there is a payment decision approved by the People's Committee of Long Thành District to pay affected households.

According to ACV’s report, as of October, the total volume of actual excavation and levelling performed is about 102 million cu.m out of a total of 115 million cu.m, reaching over 88 per cent of the total construction volume.

In particular, the ground levelling work of priority areas for handover to main structural construction has been completed, meeting the key 15-month schedule as directed by the Government and the Ministry of Transport.

The areas of runways, taxiways, aircraft aprons and areas of component projects 1, 2 and 4 have been completed according to the proposed plan, ensuring construction progress.

Long Thành International Airport project has a total investment of VNĐ336,630 billion ($13.71 billion) including three construction phases.

Phase 1 builds a runway, a passenger terminal and auxiliary items with a capacity of receiving 25 million passengers per year.

According to the plan, phase 1 is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2026.

In phase 2, the airport will be built with another open runway and terminal to reach a capacity of 50 million passengers per year.

Phase 3 will complete the remaining items so that the airport can reach a capacity of 100 million passengers per year and become the largest airport in Việt Nam in the future and one of the busiest transit airports in the region.

Upon being handed over a “clean” site, the Long Thành International Airport project would be drastically implemented by contractors to ensure progress, said ACV. VNS

