MINSK, REPUBLICOF BELARUS - Media OutReach - 6 January 2021 - LikeLib is acommunity-based open source blockchain project that uses blockchain technologyand digital identities to digitize and informatize assets; use smart contractsto automatically manage assets and information to achieve a diversified networkof "smart economy".
The ecosystem joins themajor communities around the world to participate, and is committed to linkingall with an open mind, thus building a decentralized network that can expandand achieve multi-party collaboration and win-win in real business society.
LikeLib public chain teamleader Mr. Thierry, operations director DIma, and technical general counsel Ms.Olga. All of them have very strong technology and business background.
LikeLib's core membersinclude Technical Director Mr. Renia, Mr. Yevgeny, Technical Director Daniel,Software Engineer Oleg, Sergey, Dennis, Business Analyst Mr. Andre, Ms. Taniaand the community technology development team Ms. Julia Palamarchu, MaksimHryhoryeu, Daniel Harapko, Anre Ku, Alexey Nekrasov, Alex, etc. have many yearsof experience in relevant positions in Dublin internationally, as well asabundant professional knowledge and skills.
Some ecological applicationsof LikeLib blockchain include:
1. The best solution(Biteacon)
Biteacon is a browser thatinteracts with the LikeLib ecosystem, which can help users explore othernetwork-related information such as its blockchain and transaction volume.
2. The best smart contract(Supplike)
Supplike is a platform withbuilt-in embedded supply chain builder based on LikeLib blockchain. With thebuilt-in builder, you can easily design and deploy the supply chain, assignroles and use it easily, and create code-free solutions for the supply chainthrough mobile apps.
3. The best solution(LikeLib Analytics)
LikeLib Analytics is theLikeLib blockchain browser and analysis platform, indexing all blockchain datathrough the big data pipeline and disclosing data and indicators through APIand WEB applications.
On this basis, the"blockchain + edge computing" IoT management system, the research ofthe electronic degree certificate management method of the alliance chain,relay cross-chain technology, channel state differential information vitalsigns detection algorithms, research on people counting methods based on WiFiperception, Internet of Things architecture for electrical fire monitoring ofancient buildings based on edge computing, and multi-field andinterdisciplinary expert selection algorithms for multiple project ecology andalgorithm system applications have been successfully developed in the LikeLibpublic chain main network.
LikeLib 2.0 provides a moresecure and stable blockchain service, which covers data connections, hybridstorage, cross-chain technology and other core modules with independentintellectual property rights, which can quickly build solutions for typicalapplication scenarios.
The newly-released 2.0system will not only reduce transaction program fees, but will also cause blockchain replication forks and increase transfer transactions. The averagetransaction value can be allocated between operational interruptions. Comparedwith the previous version 1.0, the transaction volume has steadily increased to10,000 transactions per second, and the transaction speed is about 10,000 TPS.
In terms of supporting smartcontracts, interchangeable consensus mechanisms and distributed storagenetworks, the blockchain consensus mechanism can be replaced according todifferent factors (such as transaction volume), and a distributed storagenetwork based on IPFS can store a large amount of data outside the chain.
LikeLib2.0 fully usesdatabase fragmentation technology. Only a small part of the input transactionsneed to be processed, and a large amount of verification work can be completedthrough other conventional parallel processing on the network.
LikeLib uses Bridgestechnology, which is a blockchain interoperability technology specifically usedto make the LikeLib ecosystem cross-chain compatible with external blockchains(such as Ethereum).
LikeLib cross-chain bridgetechnology allows cross-chain assets and information exchange between the mainnetwork and each project ecosystem, like the axis connecting various islands.The LikeLib blockchain network realizes cross-chain through bridges, whichgreatly promotes the large-scale assets of ecological projects such as Bitcoinand Ethereum, and the real market liquidity of information. The advantagesinclude multi-signature technology/ring signature technology/hash lockingtechnology.
In addition, LikeLib2.0 alsouses Lightning Network transactions and zero-configuration transactionchannels.
The existing hostingsolutions on the Lightning Network only manage their users' funds on one or afew, and they will not use one channel with each user. Instead, keep aninternal private ledger to record when the funds belong to the user.
Earlier we mentioned thering signature technology in the LikeLib2.0 cross-chain bridge. The ringsignature is named because a certain parameter implicit in its signature iscomposed according to certain rules. Many of the schemes proposed later do notrequire the structure of the signature to be a ring, as long as the formationof the signature satisfies the spontaneity, anonymity and groupcharacteristics, it is also called a ring signature.
The security of the ringsignature technology scheme is quite high, such as: unconditional anonymity,unforgeability, unconditional anonymity of the signer, and the signer canfreely specify his own anonymity range, forming a beautiful ring logicstructure, which can realize group signatures The main function of but does notrequire trusted third parties or group administrators.
Ring signature is a specialgroup signature. There is no trusted center and no group establishment process.For the verifier, the signer is completely anonymous.
Theoretically,zero-knowledge proof can prove something to everyone else without exposing anyproprietary, and the generated proof is small in size, the verification cost isvery low, and it has nothing to do with the amount of calculation that needs tobe proved.
LikeLib2.0 uses thegeneration algorithm (G) to generate public parameters for the proposition, theproof algorithm (P) to generate the proof of the satisfiability of R1CS, andthe verification algorithm (V) to verify the proof and other technical methodsand means to finally generate the proof. It can be proved that there is asecret value reset equation satisfied without revealing the secret.
LikeLib2.0's "decentralizedand distributed" technology means that all information is publicly recorded onthe "public ledger", and can only be entered and cannot be modified, so thatthe complete copy of the blockchain includes each executed action, so About thevalue belonging to each active address (account).
The overall situation hascontinued to iterate for thirty years, and only then has today's prosperitybeen achieved, and only then has "Internet +". If you still haveconfidence in the blockchain, perhaps you should give it more time. The LikeLib2.0public chain system has already given the blockchain a gratifying answer in2020.