MACAU- Media OutReach - 5 January 2021 - Under theimpact of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was a very difficult year for the world.In the face of the severe challenges, Suncity Group has been working hard toachieve its vision of sustainable development in all areas. With its philosophyof "Innovating With Diversity, Striving For Success", the Group strivesto develop its business in the fields of VIP services, entertainment, globaltourism, food and beverage, luxury fashion, etc., and is committed to becominga leading integrated resort operator, with the expansion of its global hoteland resort management business as its core focus. At the same time, as anenterprise rooted in Macao and backed by our motherland, it is one of SuncityGroup's priorities to promote Macao as the "Creative City of Gastronomy". Withthis in mind, the Group has actively and successfully expanded its food andbeverage business to the Mainland, promoting cooperation between enterprises ofMacao and of the Mainland. Also, HOIANA, the Group's feature project inVietnam, will serve as a bridgeto introduce Vietnam's culture of gastronomy to the Mainland, in response to national policies of"going global" and "bringing in".
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Leveraging on its experience in resort and hotel management, SuncityGroup has been actively expanding its global hotel and resort managementbusiness and marching towards the goal of becoming an internationally renownedintegrated resort operator. Year 2021 will see the grand opening of the Group'sfirst integrated resort HOIANA, with all facilities set to open their doors atthe same time. Among the wide array of facilities included the entertainmentfacilities of Hoiana Suncity, the golf course of Hoiana Shores designed byrenowned architect Robert Trent Jones Jr., and the 4 luxury hotels managed andoperated by Rosewood Hotel Group - Hoiana Hotel & Suites, New World HoianaHotel & Residences, KHOS Hoiana and Rosewood Hoi An, offering over 1,000guest rooms.
Located incentral Vietnam, the integrated resort HOIANA is only 40 km away from the DaNang International Airport, with its 3-km coastline and a stunning sea view.The first phase of HOIANA covers an area of over 165 hectares, with the secondphase project commencing in 2021. Utilizing its unique coastline, the nextphase of the resort will focus on increasing the number of guest rooms as wellas the expansion of retail areas, including beach resorts and a VietnameseVillage. Future developments also include facilities such as water and adrenalinepark, observation deck, etc., all with the aim to create the finestentertainment hub of Southeast Asia. At the same time, taking advantage of itsgeographical location, HOIANA will target at bringing in tourists fromSoutheast Asia as its main source markets in the future. Suncity Group believesthat HOIANA will bring significant revenue and sustainable developmentprospects, and is a demonstration of its determination to gradually evolve intoan integrated resort operator and actively expand its resort managementbusiness.
In addition, throughSuncity Group Holdings Limited (1383.HK), Suncity Group is now the singlelargest shareholder of Summit Ascent Holdings Limited (102.HK), andparticipates in both operations of Tigre de Cristal Resort Phase I inVladivostok, Russia and the development of the resort's second phase.Currently, Tigre de Cristal Phase I is the largest integrated resort in Russia,with a positive trend in business and revenue growth driven by the localRussian clientele. Set toopen for preview in late 2022 and grandly open in 2023, the PhaseII development project will also commence in 2021, doubling the number ofentertainment facilities as well as tripling the number of guest rooms. Theproject will also add to the resort 4 new restaurants and bars, premium outletand duty free shopping, multi-functional area, and a beach club and spa. Thanksto its prime location in Northeast Asia, Tigre de Cristal will be well suitedfor Japanese and Korean travellers. In the future, the Group will focus ondeveloping local Russian clientele, while introducing Japanese and Koreantravellers to the resort as the target source market.
Through the acquisition of SuntrustHome Developers, Inc. (Stock Code: SUN:PM), Suncity Group is also activelyengaging in the development of the Westside City Integrated Resort in the heartof Entertainment City in Manila, Philippines. The project covers an area ofover 20 hectares and is set to open its doors before 2023, creating the hub ofentertainment of Philippines together with our local partners.
Moreover, Suncity Group is expandinginto East Asia to further target at Japanese and Korean travellers, with plansto develop resorts in Miyako Island of Okinawa and Niseko of Hokkaido in Japan,with construction to begin in 2021. The Group plans to build a resort hotel in theYonaha Maehama Beach Area, which is known as "the most beautiful beach in theEast", in Miyako Island of Okinawa, Japan and is expected to complete in 2023. Theresort will provide 100 hotel rooms and 40 private villas with their own pools,as well as a variety of special water sports, including stand-up paddling,snorkelling and deep diving. In addition, the Group plans to build a luxuryresort in Niseko of Hokkaido, Japan, which owns the reputation as one of the "Top10 Ski Resorts in the World". With development plans in the works in 2021, theproject will cover an area of approximately 20 hectares, combining the naturalbeauty of Niseko and convenient leisure amenities. The completion of these newintegrated resorts will serve as a testament to Suncity Group's determinationto become Asia's leading integrated resort operator and an enterprise rooted inMacao that is actively responding to the national policy of "going global".
Adhering to the spirit of patriotism,Suncity Group has been actively supporting the policy of the Macao SpecialAdministrative Region Government, placing the development of the Motherland asour top priority. Through the business expansion of Sun Food and Beverage inthe Mainland, Suncity Group aims to bring in the best of foreign cultures andcontribute to the country's prosperity. Since last year, Sun Food and Beverageestablished 8 restaurants in Chengdu and Chongqing, including "DanangVietnamese Cuisine", "Pho Thuy", "Bangkok Cock" and "Đồ ăn vỉa hè Hoi An Danang".Together with HOIANA, invested by Suncity Group Holdings Limited in CentralVietnam, the Group strives to introduce Vietnam's culture of gastronomy to theMainland.
In order tofurther expand its footprint in the Mainland, Sun Food and Beverage ispreparing to open more quality branded restaurants in 2021. In the meantime,Sun Food and Beverage has successfully created new cooperation opportunitiesfor the catering industry in Macao and the Mainland by taking initiative toorganise investment visits to the Mainland. Currently, Sun Food and Beverage isactively supporting the "Luzu Temple District Renovation Project" of Chongqingas the company plans to open at the site more branded restaurants presentingVietnamese cuisine, not just to increase company revenue, but also to helpreinvigorate the old district. In addition, Sun Food and Beverage is preparingto set up a joint venture with Macao's catering industry and open 3 restaurantsin the area, bringing Macao-style hot pot, Portuguese cuisine and local dessertsto Chongqing. This move not only enriches Mainland's catering market, but isalso a way to support the Macao Special Administrative Region Government's coreeffort to promote Macao as "Creative City of Gastronomy".
In theentertainment sector, Sun Entertainment Culture Limited has been activelyexpanding its entertainment-related businesses, covering film productions,online films, concerts and other commercial performing arts. In 2021, SunEntertainment Culture Limited will expand its footprint in Southeast Asiathrough its subsidiaries in Japan and Malaysia, and is also enthusiasticallypreparing for the full recovery of the film industry this year. Currently,productions of film and TV drama invested by the Group from last year have beencompleted and are scheduled to be released in 2021, including "Limbo" starringGordon Lam, which is scheduled to participate in international film festivals,"Dust to Dust" starring Gordon Lam and Da Peng, "Mom, Don't Do That" producedby and starring Alyssa Chia. In addition, Sun Entertainment Culture Limitedwill be producing Macao's first action and car racing film this year, with HanHan as producer of the film. For the acclaimed films "SPL: Sha Po Lang" and"Paradox", production of the sequels "SPL III: War Needs Lord" and "Paradox II"will also begin in 2021.
As Alvin Chau,Chief Executive Officer and Director of Suncity Group stated, the tough year2020 is now in the past. With the new COVID-19 vaccines being distributedworldwide, the global economy is expected to soon recover, which will beconducive to a strong growth of the motherland and Macao's social, economic andtourism sectors in 2021. At the same time, staying true to the core values ofpatriotism, he understands that the prosperity of Macao and the country areinextricably linked. In the future, Suncity Group will continue to look forwardto a prosperous future together with the country and Macao by vigorouslyupholding and following the long-term direction of the country in all aspects.
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SuncityGroup was founded in 2007. Since establishment, Suncity Group has been strivingto provide the extraordinary VIP entertainment service for our guests, and wethen opened a number of VIP Clubs in various 6-star hotels and resortsthroughout Macau with the rapid growth of our business. Meanwhile, wesuccessively set up exclusive VIP Clubs in Manila, Seoul, Incheon, Phnom Penhand Da Nang, etc.
Adhering tothe spirit of "Innovating With Diversity, Striving For Success", Suncity Groupspared no effort to develop high-end entertainment services and products aswell as roll out global VIP loyalty program for the selected members to enjoyentertainment, travel, catering services, luxury shopping and motion picture.Today, the scope of our business covers most sectors, especially in the fieldsof global travel, film production, concert and event planning, catering andluxury goods.
As a Macauborn and bred enterprise, Suncity Group is not only devoted to develop theAsian market, but also oriented to expand the global network. In the future, wewill surely continue to diversify our VIP entertainment services, attract moreexclusive members and make every effort to promote our business in every cornerof the world.
Official Website | www.suncitygroup.com.mo/en