HONG KONG SAR- Media OutReach - 6 January 2021 - CIFIHoldings (Group) Co. Ltd. ("CIFI" or the "Group", HKExstock code: 884), a leading real estate developer and investor in first-,second- and robust third-tier cities in China, is pleased to announce that CIFIsuccessfully issues senior notes with an aggregate principal amount of US$419million. The senior notes are at a coupon rate of 4.375% and yield of 4.4% witha 6.25-year maturity period, which hit the record for the longest maturity periodand the lowest coupon rate of the Group's offshore bond issuance.
The issue attractsenthusiasticresponse, with total orders at peak time exceeding US$4.8 billion, which wasover 11 times of the total issue size. 82% of total issuance is allocated to Asianinvestors, while the remaining 18% is allocated to European investors. Thefinal allocation to institutional investors is 72%, which consists ofworld-renowned and large-scale asset management companies and long-terminvestors. The subscription results and market response reflect the highrecognition of CIFI by the investors in the capital market. The proceeds of thenote will be used for re-financing of the Group's existing indebtedness.
Credit Suisse, Haitong International, HSBC, J.P. Morgan and Standard Chartered Bank are the joint globalcoordinators, while Credit Suisse, Haitong International, HSBC, J.P. Morgan, Standard Chartered Bank, The Bank of East Asia,Limited, BOSC International,China CITIC Bank International and Yue XiuSecurities arethe joint bookrunners and joint lead managers of the issuance.
Mr. Lin Zhong, Chairman of CIFI, said "We are pleased to see thestrong demand for the notes issue. The issue hits the Group's record for thelongest maturity period and the lowest coupon rate of the offshore bondissuance, and it reflects investors' recognition and support of businessprospects of CIFI. The Group will continue to implement prudent financial managementand build long-term investment value."
Headquarteredin Shanghai, CIFI is one of China's top real estate developers. CIFIprincipally focuses on developing high-quality properties in first-, second-and select third-tier cities in China. CIFI develops various types ofproperties, including residential buildings, offices and commercial complexes.
To learn more about the Company, please visitCIFI's website at: https://www.cifi.com.cn