KEMPTEN / HONG KONG - Media OutReach - 6 January 2021 -On January 1, Burkhard Eling became Chief Executive Officer (CEO) andSpokesperson of the Executive Board of logistics provider Dachser. He heads the Corporate Strategy,Human Resources, Marketing executive unit, which also includes Corporate KeyAccount Management and the Corporate Governance & Compliance division.Eling succeeds Bernhard Simon, who will take over as Chairman of the SupervisoryBoard of the family-owned company in mid-2021.
Burkhard Eling (CEO)
Thenew Executive Board: (from left to right) Robert Erni (CFO), Alexander Tonn(COO Road Logistics), Burkhard Eling (CEO), Edoardo Podestà (COO Air & SeaLogistics) and Stefan Hohm (CDO).
Also moving to the Supervisory Board with Simon is theformer Chief Operations Officer (COO) Road Logistics, Michael Schilling. Inresponse, Dachser has made further changes to the Executive Board as of January1, 2021. Two Dachser managers of many years' standing have been promoted to thelogistics provider's operational management body: Stefan Hohm as ChiefDevelopment Officer (CDO) and Alexander Tonn as COO Road Logistics. They arejoined on the Executive Board by Robert Erni, who left DSV Panalpina to joinDachser on September 1, 2020 and has taken up the role of Chief FinancialOfficer (CFO). The five-man Executive Board team is completed by EdoardoPodestà, who has been COO Air & Sea Logistics since October 2019.
Career as CFO with focus on innovation
Eling, 49, joined Dachser in 2012 as deputy head of the Finance, Legal and Tax executive unit.He joined the Executive Board as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) thefollowing year, since when he has been responsible for the logistics provider'sgroup-wide strategic idea and innovation management program. With adegree in industrial engineering, Eling joined Dachser from the engineering andservice group Bilfinger SE, where he was Head of the controlling and internalaudit departments, CFO of a US subsidiary and of an international facilitymanagement service provider. Eling started his career with the constructioncompanies Hochtief AG and Philipp Holzmann AG.
With sound judgment and agility
"My fellow board members and I are taking over anextremely robust and fast-growing company that even the challenges of thecoronavirus crisis haven't managed to throw off course. With their tremendousknow-how and commitment, the people at Dachser have succeeded in maintainingthe supply chains of our global customers even under adverse conditions," saysBurkhard Eling, CEO of Dachser. "With the trust andsupport of the founding family, we as an Executive Board team, will preservethe unique, people-oriented culture of Dachser as a family-owned company. Atthe same time, we will continue to develop the company with sound judgment andagility on its way to becoming the world's most integrated logistics provider,"Eling continues.
New Executive Board team with a wealth of experience
AlexanderTonn is a new member ofDachser's Executive Board as of January 1, 2021. As COO Road Logistics, he willbe responsible for the European overland transport networks for industrialgoods and food. In addition, he will continue to lead the EuropeanLogistics Germany business unit. Tonn, 47, has been with the company for over 20 years,having held managerial positions including at Dachser's Allgäu logistics centerin Memmingen and at company headquarters, where he was responsible for thelogistics provider's global contract logistics business for several years.
StefanHohm, 48, willhead the newly created IT & Development executive unit as Chief DevelopmentOfficer (CDO). Hohm has been working for Dachser for 27 years, during whichtime he has managed, among other things, the branches in Erfurt(Thuringia) and Hof (Upper Franconia). Most recently, he was Corporate Director for the logisticsprovider's research and development work as well as its Corporate Solutionsbusiness. Besides the further development of IT, he is now also responsible forworldwide contract logistics.
Burkhard Eling's successor as CFO is Robert Erni,an internationally experienced logistics finance manager, who took over as CFOon January 1, 2021 after a four-month induction and transition phase. Beforejoining Dachser, the 54-year-old Swiss national was Group CFO at logisticsprovider Panalpina for nearly seven years.
There are no changes to Dachser's air and sea freightbusiness, which has been led by Edoardo Podestà, COO Air & SeaLogistics, since October 2019. The 58-year-old Italian, based in Hong Kong,became Managing Director of Dachser's air and sea freight business in the AsiaPacific business unit in 2014. Podestà is also a highly experienced Dachsermanager. He joined the company in 2003 when it acquired the joint venture ZüstAmbrosetti Far East Ltd.
Headquartered in Germany, Dachser is one of the world'sleading logistics providers. Using its own in-house developed IT-systems,Dachser incorporates transport, warehousing, and value-added services toprovide comprehensive supply chain solutions. Thanks to some 31,000 employeesbased in 393 locations all over the globe, Dachser generated a consolidated netrevenue of approximately EUR 5.7 billion in 2019. The same year, the logisticsprovider handled a total of 80.6 million shipments weighing 41.0 million metrictons. Country organizations represent Dachser in 44 countries.
In Asia, Dachser employs more than 1,696 people in 48locations in 12 Business Areas. Its Asia Pacific Regional Head Office islocated in Hong Kong.
For more information about Dachser, please visitwww.dachser.hk