HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 14 October2020 - Since the Covid-19 epidemic began to ravage Hong Kong in 2019, public healthawareness has improved a lot. "Dr Pest",a professional insecticidal,insecticidaland mistdisinfection company, has launched a comprehensive nano-naturaldisinfection service made of pure natural essential oils during theepidemic in hopes of protecting the health of family members, pets, colleagues,and guests. There are no restrictions on use. It can even be used in sensitiveareas, including children's rooms, pet areas, kitchens, bathrooms, wardrobesand shoe cabinets, tables, indoor office areas, schools, clinics, nursing homesand car compartments, etc. to enhance environmental hygiene. Prevention isbetter than treatment.
The characteristics and efficacy of nanodisinfection made of pure natural essential oil
Essential oils extracted from natural plants (teatree, thyme, eucalyptus, pine, etc.) through nano ultra-thin atomization or cooperate with the spray method of disinfectantto provide antibacterial and sterilization treatment for the space. The effectsare as follows: 1. Reduce the spread of bacteria, remove accumulated bacteria,and prevent bacterial growth; 2. Improve air quality, remove unpleasant odorsand reduce respiratory problems caused by air quality.
The nano-natural atomization disinfection made ofnatural essential oils has also obtained Tuv Chemlab SGS international testingcertification, which can eliminate bacteria up to 99.99998% and has anantibacterial protection period of up to 90 days. It can effectively deal withthe new coronavirus, hand, foot and mouth disease, Legionnaires' disease,Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, SARS, H1N1... etc.
It uses natural essential oils with naturalingredients and an atomized formula, which is harmless to humans and animals.The atomized nano-molecules are extremely small, and can go deep into the gapsand air-conditioning systems or fresh air ducts with the air, forming acirculation in the indoor space, reducing cross-infection.
Big difference from other shops
The ultra-thin atomization method is rarely used inthe market, and the disinfectant is generally used, and the duration may beshort. In addition, most of the atomized disinfectants used in the shops arephotocatalysts. Since the photocatalyst contains metal particles, it may causeallergy symptoms in users. The hand-made spray disinfectant for insect controlis made of natural essential oils, which is harmless to humans and pets, whichcan avoid the above problems. In addition, the antibacterial effect can last upto 90 days, and the antibacterial effect is 24 hours.
Value and benefits to the school/student
The new crown virus continues to have infections.After the resumption of classes, due to the close contact between students andschoolchildren, a high-risk environment has been created, and the ability ofyoung schoolchildren to take care of themselves is weak. Therefore, the levelof environmental sanitation is improved, and a safe environment for them to goto school is provided. We hope to fight the epidemic together with thecommunity.
Services: "Dr Pest" focus on controlling pestscaused by the hot and humid weather in Hong Kong, and carry out a series of pest controlservices and pesticide management with different advanced andenvironmentally friendly equipment and pesticide. The scope of our company'sservices includes environmental inspections, pest prevention before newresidences, deep home cleaning and disinfection, pest control(an pest control company),and pest control management such as mosquito control(naturalmosquito control method), ant control(ant controlcompany), Cockroachescontrol (a naturalmethod to kill Cockroaches), termites control (termites controlcompany), rodents control(rodentscontrol company) and bed bugscontrol (bed bugscontrol company). In addition, it also provides formaldehyderemoval, nano-naturaldisinfection services (atomizationdisinfection company) and post-renovationcleaning services to ensure a safe, comfortable and protected livingenvironment for customers.