SINGAPORE - MediaOutReach - 19 October 2020 - Seeing anopportunity in the gig economy, Flexgigzzhas recently revealed a bold plan to hire 5,400 employees by the 3rdquarter of 2021, and over 90% of them will be remote workers working from theirhomes. The new employees will be sourced globally from over 1,800 cities in 150countries. The aim is to expand its market base to reach out to moreindividuals reeling in from the pandemic's effect as most countries are facingeconomic recession and rising unemployment rates.
2020 has been full of surprises and nine months in, we are still facing manychallenges that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon andpushing large nations into economic recession. The global financial system hasslowed down leading to an increased of overall unemployment rate to its highestlevel, as retrenchments has more than doubled and business institutionsshutting down.
Flexgigzz - derived from the words flexible gigs offers asolution for freelancers and employers to interact by allowing freelancers topost their gigs online and for potential employers to utilise their service viathe platform www.flexgigzz.com which has recentlyexperienced significant growth in the number of signups as it offers various solutions such asverifications, chats, payment and service validation after the work iscompleted, providing both parties peace of mind.
Flexer Community Manager, Sally who is incharge of freelancer'senrolment and program added: "We are not just a gathering for freelancers; weare a gathering for talents worldwide where individuals can post their gigs andapply for jobs. We are here to enhance their reach and provide exemplarysupport to their freelance journey." The platform itself was designed tobe user friendly to accommodate users from various countries and languages. Itis also equipped with a 24/7 support assistance from the account administrators.
Base on the strong response in the recent months, Flexgigzz has since decidedto expand as it aims to offer alternatives and flexible jobs from talentedfreelances and many of those who have lost their jobs recently. Its member's signup rate has jumped by more than 300% to over 8,000as many people are either adopting or opening up to the idea of workingfreelance.
This 5,400 new hiring will mainly be in 2 departments, Flexer community and therecruitment partner department, targeting individual and business so as tocreate more vibrant community of freelancer and change employer perspectivetowards freelancing and working from home .To deliver this unique service,Flexgigzz brings about its expertise in building a remote working communitythat the company has operated for the past three years with headcounts from allover the world. Funding this expansion, Flexgigzz will strategize their growthplan on a mixture of new technology partner to enhance teamwork collaborationand targeting new growth market.
Mega, Recruitment Partner Manager who is incharge of employer's signupexplained, "For employers who don't have time to screen hundreds offreelancers that bid for a project, Flexgigzz provides a service to scoutfreelancers that best fit the employer requirements and budget." Flexgigzzembraces diversity and equal opportunity in a serious way. We are committed tobuilding a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, andskills.
Flexgigzz is an online platform for authentic freelancers tooffer their digital services to businesses across industries with 400+categories. It is a modern and secure solution to the gig economy, allowingcompanies to search for professional services without ever leaving theiroffice. It is our mission to change the world one gig at a time.
Like us on Facebook and join our growing community here at www.flexgigzz.com