STC International lights up the rural area in ASEAN

September 21, 2020 - 08:13
STC International lights up the rural area in ASEAN
TAIPEI, TAIWAN - MediaOutReach - 21 September 2020 - STC International, aTaiwanese company specialized in solar energy system integration, under the assistanceof GTPO (Green Trade ProjectOffice) and ITRI, successfully built its presence from the ground up in theASEAN market. From Cambodia's rural area to Malaysia, from NGOs to retailrestaurants, STC's solutions are being adopted in ASEAN nations thanks to itsleading technology and services. STC is a perfect example of a SME bringing itsflexibilities and niche focus into full play.

 Green Energy Solution in Cambodia by STC


It all started in 2017when STC International took part in ITRI's trade promotion delegation andvisited the rural village in Cambodia, the aim of the trip was to build solar powersystem for a local NGO. This NGO regularly invites doctors to the village toprovide volunteer medical services. Electronic devices and cooling equipmentfor medical purpose require basic power supply, but local power supply is veryunstable and power outages are frequent.'


After ITRI introduced STCInternational to the Cambodian NGO, STC International soon put together acomprehensive system including illumination, fans, solar panels, energy storageand cooling devices for this customer. "As soon as the system entered service, the NGO is the onlyplace that is brightly lit after sunset with a few miles around theneighborhood. Local businesses and stores were amazed and came to us for solarsystem infrastructure. Coffee shops, Chinese-language cram schools and otherbusiness operators all become his customers," said Mr. Polun Chen, GeneralManager of STC International.


Mr. Chen also said thatbefore STC came, local community used to have a false impression that solarsystem was expensive and dangerous. With the NGO became a model site, peoplequickly accepted solar energy with confidence.


Until now, STC's energysolutions have been adopted in farming irrigation systems, retail and catering,and small factories. Take irrigation for example, diesel generators were widelyused by farmers for groundwater mining, which created rumbling noises and airpollution. Also, replenishing diesel fuel was inconvenient. All these problemsare solved after solar panel and storage was installed.

Malaysia is anothermarket where STC International has solid gains. Polun Chen indicated that Malaysia is totallydifferent in market environment from Cambodia. In Cambodia, power outages arecommon and power grids still cannot reach a lot of area. In contrast, Malaysiahas sufficient power supply and the electricity cost is low. STC Internationalobviously needs to adopt different strategy in Malaysia. With the help of theITRI, STC International established relations with Malaysia's officialenergy-saving certification agency GreenTech, which has a goal to introducegreen energy to the country. Until now, STC International haddesigned comprehensive energy storage system in Malaysia.


STC International isfocusing on small-scale pilot projects. Similar projects are abundant outthere for Taiwanese companies to win.
