SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 28 July 2020- In support of thelocal community, Amazon Singapore is teaming up with the National Volunteer & PhilanthropyCentre's (NVPC) Company of Good to celebrate National Day with an Amazon X Retail for Good Wishlist campaign. In conjunction with NVPC's "Retail for Good" initiative, Amazoninvites the public to support four non-profit organizations (NPOs), namely Blessingsin a Bag, Children's Wishing Well, Singapore Red Cross, and Food Bank Singaporeby fulfilling their beneficiaries' wishlists on Amazon.sg, from now untilAugust 31, 2020.
The Amazon X Retail for GoodWishlist campaign encourages shoppers to donate to the NPOs by purchasing itemslisted in the charity's Amazon.sg wishlist. With specific items and quantitieslisted in the NPOs' wishlist, shoppers can donate in a fuss-free andtransparent way. Amazon will then directly deliver these purchased items andthe donations will go a long way in benefiting underprivileged children,low-income families, seniors, and frontline workers. Find out more about thecampaign details here: Amazon X Retail forGood Wishlist campaign
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"AtAmazon, we are reminded daily that what we do as a company can make adifference in people's lives. By working together with NVPC and non-profits tosupport COVID-19 relief efforts, we strive to give back to Singapore in ameaningful way. We are committed to channelling our resources to support anduplift our community, especially groups that may be vulnerable. This NationalDay, we invite the public to join us in delivering smiles to those in needthrough the wishlist initiative," said Henry Low, Country Manager, Amazon Singapore.
"Company of Good is excited and honouredto collaborate with Amazon in our initiative 'Retail for Good'. We believe thatthe future is one where retailers connect, harness, and strengthenrelationships with customers, employees, and business partners through doinggood together for the community. We welcome all retailers to come onboardRetail for Good to amplify and create greater impact in your do-goodinitiatives through strategic collaboration and platforms," said Quek Shiyun, Head, Company of Good,National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC).
Emily Teng, Founder, Blessings in a Bag, said:"We are excited to be collaborating again with Amazon Singapore at such acritical time for so many. At Blessings in a Bag, we remain a volunteer-poweredcommunity determined to provide every child and his/her family navigatingchallenging circumstances with the essentials needed to thrive and to feelsafe, valued and supported. All items on our wishlist will meet the specificneeds requested by the parents or primary care-givers as well as to support ourmuch-needed on-going classroom resources."
Joanna Tan, Chief Executive Officer, Children'sWishing Well, said: "COVID19 has impactedlower-income families significantly, resulting in loss of employment andincome. This has highlighted the situation and needs of the disadvantaged andvulnerable population within our midst, even in a developed country likeSingapore. While some of us are privileged, others just need an opportunity toget themselves out of the poverty trap and fulfill their fullest potential inlife. Children's Wishing Well is honored to be selected as one of thebeneficiaries of Amazon's wonderful initiative, and we hope that this projectwill nurture a more caring and inclusive society."
"This collaboration with Amazon ensures that itemsdonated by the public match the need for Singapore Red Cross daily operationsand our beneficiaries. With the wishlist function that caters to exactitems/products that are needed, it allows for better utilization and resourceplanning in addition to saving in an expanse that is crucial during thischallenging period where every dollar is significant and spendings arethoroughly planned for. We would like to thank Amazon for the support towardthe Singapore Red Cross local humanitarian effort in helping the vulnerable inthe community," said Vinnce Wu Assistant Head, Partnership &Development, Singapore Red Cross.
"Never has the importance of having access to food and basic necessitiesbeen so pronounced than during this pandemic. Every bit of help counts towardsour mission to eradicate food insecurity in Singapore. Amazon's CharityWishlist will help us in our efforts to feed the hungry and provide aid tomigrant workers staying in dormitories," said Nichol Ng, Co-Founder, The Food Bank Singapore.
The Amazon X Retail for GoodWishlist campaign is live now until 31August 2020. The initiative is a part of the broader Amazon's Delivering Smiles program whichfocuses on giving back to the community and supporting day-to-day needs.
Retail for Good is a collaborativeinitiative by the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre's (NVPC) Company of Good that aims to bring stakeholders in theretail and e-commerce space together to make doing good a part of dailyencounters.
AboutBlessings in a Bag
Blessings in a Bag (BIAB)is a non-profit organization that bridges the gap between communities that haveand those that don't. Through the 'Beyond Awesome' programme, they support upto 90 children and youth from under-resourced communities in Singapore, each ofwhom will benefit directly from receiving items on the Amazon wishlist.
About Children'sWishing Well
Children's WishingWell (CWW) is a non-profit organization and fully-registered charity founded in2002. CWW's services support more than 1,000 children and youth from disadvantagedbackgrounds in Singapore, through their educational and daily living needs, aswell as equipping them with skills for their future so that they can becomeuseful members of society and escape the poverty trap.
About SingaporeRed Cross
The Singapore RedCross (SRC) is a homegrown humanitarian organization serving the vulnerablelocally and internationally. All the donations received via Amazon Singaporewill be utilised by SRC local services and programmes.
About The Food Bank Singapore
The Food Bank Singapore is aregistered charity founded in 2012, with the mission to end food insecurity inSingapore through redistribution of food to more than 360-member beneficiaryorganizations. The public can deposit/donate their unused or unwanted foodswhich will then be collected and allocated to the needy via various channelsthrough VWOs, Charities, Soup Kitchens.
About Amazon in theCommunity
Amazon is committedto helping more children and young adults, especially those fromunderrepresented and underserved communities, have the resources and skillsthey need to build their best future. Amazon focuses on buildinglong-term, innovative, and high impact programs that leverage Amazon's uniqueassets and culture.
Amazon is guided byfour principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion forinvention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Customerreviews, 1-Click shopping, personalised recommendations, Prime, Fulfilment byAmazon, AWS, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle, Fire tablets, Fire TV, AmazonEcho, and Alexa are some of the products and services pioneered by Amazon. Formore information on Amazon in Singapore, visit amazon.sg.