LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - EQS Newswire - 4 November2019 - Dialog Semiconductor plc (XETRA:DLG),a leading provider of power management, charging, AC/DC power conversion, Wi-Fiand Bluetooth(R) low energy technology, today announced both the newDA14531, the world's smallest and most power-efficient Bluetooth 5.1 SoC, andthe DA14531 module, to simplify Bluetooth product development and enable wideradoption.
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The chip, also known as SmartBond TINY(TM), is currently in production. Itwill further extend Dialog's position as a leader in the Bluetooth devicemarket with the broadest SoC portfolio, as the company converges on yearlyshipments of up to 100 million units.
SmartBond TINY is specifically designed to lower the costs of adding BLEfunctionality to an application to as little as $0.50 in high volumes, fuelingthe next wave of the IoT, estimated to span over 1 billion devices.
As the list of devices requiring wireless connectivity continues to grow,the cost of enabling a complete IoT system is under pressure. SmartBond TINYaddresses the growing breadth and costs of IoT devices by enabling a completesystem cost reduction through a smaller footprint and size, while maintainingperformance quality at a level unmatched by its competitors. The DA14531 makesit possible to extend wireless connectivity to applications where it would havepreviously been prohibitive in terms of size, power or cost, especially thosewithin the growing connected medical field. SmartBond TINY will help facilitateconnectivity for inhalers, medicine dispensers, weight scales, thermometers,glucose meters and more.
At half the size of its predecessors, SmartBond TINY is available inpackages as small as 2.0 x 1.7 mm. Moreover, the SoC's high level ofintegration only requires six external passives, a single clock source and apower supply to make a complete Bluetooth low energy system. For developers,this means SmartBond TINY can easily fit into any design, such as electronicstyluses, shelf labels, beacons or active RFID tags for asset tracking. It willalso be critical for applications that require provisioning such as cameras,printers and wireless routers. Consumers will also reap the benefits ofSmartBond TINY's reduced system size and power, in remote controls as areplacement for infrared (IR) or for other applications such as toys, keyboardsor smart credit and banking cards.
SmartBond TINY is based on a powerful 32-bit ARM(R) Cortex(TM) M0+ withintegrated memories and a complete set of analog and digital peripherals,delivering a record score of 18300 on the latest IoTMark(TM)-BLE,the EEMBC benchmark for IoT connectivity. Its architecture and resources allowit to be used as a standalone wireless microcontroller or as an RF data pipeextension for designs with existing microcontrollers.
The SmartBond TINY module, leveraging the capabilities of the main DA14531chip, makes it easy for customers to leverage the new SoC as a part of theirproduct development, instead of having to certify their platforms themselves,thereby saving time, development efforts and costs.
The module is also designed to balance running a high number of applicationswhile keeping cost additions to the overall system as low as possible. Breakingthrough the $1 target for a BLE module lowers the threshold for addingSmartBond TINY to a system and driving a multitude of applications, helpingfuel a new generation of IoT-enabled devices.
SmartBond TINY and the module use just half of the energy of theirpredecessors, the DA14580 and DA14580-based module, as well as all otherofferings currently on the market. TINY's record-low power consumption ensuresa long operating and shelf life, even with the smallest of batteries. TheDA14531's integrated DC-DC converter enables a wide operating voltage (1.1 to3.3V) and can derive power directly from environmentally-friendly, disposablesilver oxide, zinc air or printable batteries required for high-volumeapplications, such as connected injectors, glucose monitors and smart patches.
"The addition of SmartBond TINY and the module builds upon Dialog'sleading presence in the Bluetooth market. With the ability to turn any device,even disposable ones, into a connected application, the TINY SoC and module areopening new markets and driving the adoption of BLE beyond what was previouslythought possible in today's landscape," said Sean McGrath, SVP,Connectivity and Audio Business Group of Dialog Semiconductor. "TINY andits module's small size and power footprint, combined with Bluetooth 5.1compliance, pave the way for the next one billion IoT devices."
For more information on the latest device, please visit: https://www.dialog-semiconductor.com/products/DA14531
Dialog, the Dialog logo, SmartBond and SmartBond TINY are trademarks ofDialog Semiconductor plc or its subsidiaries. All other product or servicenames are the property of their respective owners. (c) Copyright 2019 DialogSemiconductor. All rights reserved.
Dialog Semiconductor is a leading provider of integrated circuits (ICs) thatpower mobile devices and the Internet of Things. Dialog solutions are integralto some of today's leading mobile devices and the enabling element forincreasing performance and productivity on the go. From making smartphones morepower efficient and shortening charging times, enabling home appliances to becontrolled from anywhere, to connecting the next generation of wearabledevices, Dialog's decades of experience and world-class innovation helpmanufacturers get to what's next.
Dialog operates a fabless business model and is a socially responsibleemployer pursuing many programs to benefit the employees, community, otherstakeholders and the environment it operates in. Dialog Semiconductor Plc isheadquartered near London with a global sales, R&D and marketing organization.In 2018, it had approximately $1.44 billion in revenue and was one of thefastest growing European public semiconductor companies. It currently hasapproximately 2,075 employees worldwide. The company is listed on the Frankfurt(FWB: DLG) stock exchange (Regulated Market, Prime Standard, ISIN GB0059822006)and is a member of the German TecDax.
For more information, visit www.dialog-semiconductor.com.