HA NOI, VIET NAM - Media OutReach - 4 November 2019 - HCMCity uses artificial intelligence as a foundation for industry 4.0 and becominga smart city.
Accordingto Viet Nam National University-Ho Chi Minh City, to enhance the useof AI, having high-quality human resource with the capacity to understand thelatest technologies and innovations is very important.
The city has manyuniversities and science research institutes which could foster trainingand research to remain abreast of the latest technologies and help build an AIeco-system.
A pioneer in training in andresearch into AI in the city, the VNUHCM invested nearly VNĐ7 billion(US$301,372) to set up an AI lab at its one-member University of Science forresearch into advanced machine learning methodologies, speech translation intoVietnamese, bio-informatics and others.
The lab, set up in 2008,researches text-to-speech and speech-to-text.
The first AI lab in southernViệt Namset up an IoT-Robotics Club, has organised many free online and offlinetraining courses on basic Python and website programming.
The VNUHCM's University of Technology also began a project in 2016to develop crowdsourcing for data collection and providing traffic warnings in the city over mobilephones by 2020 as part an IT application programme to reduce trafficcongestion.
After software is developed,it will be offered to the city Department of Transport for trialing.
The VNUHCM's GeomaticsCentre has collaborated with the city Steering Centre for the Urban FloodControl Programme for a programme on standardising data and analysing thecity's satellite images.
Situated in the city'seastern region, the VNUHCM was established in 1995 as one of the country's twonational universities the Government designated to develop into centres totrain undergraduates and postgraduates, carry out research, transfertechnologies, and lead the higher education system.
It has 36 units under it fortraining, doing research and transferring technologies, including its sevenmember universities- the University ofTechnology, Universityof Science, Universityof Social Sciences and Humanities, International University,University of Information Technology,
The university's target is tobecome one of the 100 leading universities in Asiaby 2025.