TAIWAN - Media OutReach - 25 October2019 - Taiwan-In the wake of the hot pursuit of the New Southbound Policyby the government of Taiwan, the Bureau of International Trade, Ministry ofEconomic Affairs commissioned the Commerce Development Research Institute(hereinafter referred to as "CDRI") this year to launch the "New SouthboundMarket Innovation Marketing Development Plan -- Wow! Taiwan" overseas. Themarketing project aims at the youth groups of Malaysia, the Philippines andother ASEAN countries in a series of Internet events. Tan Vui Chuan, known asthe "Talent of Musical Creation" in Malaysia, and S. White, the renowned AsianDrumming Queen, to participate in the filming of a good qualify MV. Round triptickets for four between Taipei and Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh, Manila, and NewDelhi were offered to attract the youths in these countries to Taiwan toexperience the beautiful scenes and taste the exotic products of Taiwan.
Malaysian Singer Tan Vui Chuan feat.Taiwanese Drummer S. White to introduce Taiwan Products.NATURE _ Taiwan'snatural cosmetic products are trending in ASEAN
"Nature, Beauty, Flash" are the 3 pillars of the theme to promote theproducts of Taiwan. From music to style, almost 30 kinds of Taiwanese productswere interpreted through lively music exclusively customized for Taiwan,including the famous souvenirs of: pineapple cake, egg yolk cake, skincareproducts of masks and hand cream. These items will enter the minds of theconsumers in ASEAN countries through their daily lives. CDRI has undertakenthe study of the markets of ASEAN and India, and discovered that the trendymode of business opportunity of Taiwan is in the fermentation process in ASEANcountries. As such, showing that Taiwan is a creative item in itself and alsohas one selling point, including the organic packed foods, snacks withnutritional ingredients, cute and innovative little toys, cosmetics andhealthcare products with natural ingredients, which are all hot items that theyouths of ASEAN would like to recommend to friends. For further information onWow! Taiwan, visit the official website at https://www.wowtaiwan.org. For online viewingof MV, visit https://reurl.cc/XXLZOR, or call the New Southbound MarketInnovative Marketing Development Project Office at 02-7707-4921.
WOW _ CDRIactivates the Wow! Taiwan project
Wow! Taiwan Project: Win Free Flights to Taiwan in 3 steps:
1. Press Like + share: On Wow! Taiwan Facebook fans page (https://www.facebook.com/wowtaiwan2019/) Press like and share the messages to yoursite and make it available to the public.
2. Choose my favorite: Enter Wow!Taiwan official website (https://www.wowtaiwan.org/) choose your most preferred item from Taiwan.
3. Message: On the Wow! Taiwan fans page, in the section of Wow! Taiwan Project, leave a messageunder the Win FreeFlights to Taiwan heading, the content includes 1. Preferred brands; 2. Product name; 3. Cityto take off (Kuala Lumpur, Ho Chi Minh, Manila or New Delhi), and anything elseyou want to say to us.
※. Event period: 2019/10/21-11/21, Winner list willbe unveiled on 11/22 at Wow! Taiwan Facebook fans page.