ROSEMONT, IL - MediaOutReach - 13 September 2019 - DHL is expanding its global innovation footprint to theAmericas region with the grand opening here today of its Americas InnovationCenter. Joiningthe DHL Innovation Center in Troisdorf near Bonn, Germany, and the Asia PacificInnovation Center in Singapore, the Americas Innovation Center will exhibit technologiesthat DHL is already implementing across the region as well as investigate futuresolutions that can provide significant productivity and efficiency gains.
"Innovationhas been a driving force for DHL since its inception in 1969," said Ken Allen,CEO of DHL eCommerce Solutions and Board Member for Customer Solutions &Innovation at Deutsche Post DHL Group which looks after DHL's largestcustomers. "Now with three Innovation Centers around the world, DHL canleverage the power of innovation to serve customers and play an active role inshaping the future of logistics. DHL is an organization that prioritizesthinking differently to deliver excellence, and I'm proud we now have thisplatform in the Americas to extend these capabilities to partners in their ownbackyard."
Thestate-of-the-art 28,000 square foot facility provides a collaborative space forDHL to work with its customers, its technology partners, and academics as wellas tap the innovative power of its employees. Establishing the new center inthe Americas is a high point in the celebration of DHL's 50thanniversary this year. The opening event drew more than 300 guests includingtechnology and logistics industry leaders, customers from across the region,local officials and DHL senior leadership.
"Innovationenables DHL to be at the forefront of game-changing solutions for the supplychain industry," says Matthias Heutger, Global Head of Innovation andCommercial Development at DHL. "The Innovation Centers are the nucleus of ourcustomer-centric innovation approach. They provide the platform forunderstanding emerging trends and discovering insights with the potential todrive real-world business impacts. DHL was the first player to utilize pickingrobots, for example, in North American warehouses. Self-driving robots tosupport order picking can increase picking rates up to 200% which issignificant in a fast-moving, globalized e-commerce environment."
Thefour DHL business units operating in the Americas are committed to investing incoming years in the development and adoption of new technologies that canimprove operations, better the customer experience, lower costs and facilitatebetter workplace processes for its employees.
As a global leader in logistics, DHL continuously evaluatesinnovative customer-centric solutions, already implementing a variety of advancedtechnologies to boost productivity, lower costs and better serve evolvingcustomer needs. For instance, DHL Supply Chain, the contract logisticsspecialist within Deutsche Post DHL Group, has already seen significantproductivity increases, especially in peak season, by using various roboticsolutions including automated guided vehicles that can ferry goods throughwarehouses, mobile robots that can facilitate order fulfillment in e-commerceoperations and collaborative robots designed to help with repetitive tasks,such as picking and packing. As part of its commitment to invest in new technologies,DHL Supply Chain said last November it would be investing $300 million in 2018and through this year to deploy emerging technologies to 350 of its 430 NorthAmerican facilities and transportation control towers. The company is alsoinvesting in the development of a new digital platform to manage itstransportations operations.
DHL Express, the world's leadinginternational express delivery company, will continue to add more automation atits regional hubs, gateways and service centers, introduce robotics to helpwith shipment loading/unloading, expand the use of AI and machine learning forbetter route optimization, apply repetitive process automation for billingtasks as well as continue the addition of chatbots and voice recognition toolsfor bookings, order tracking and improved customer service.
DHL Global Forwarding, the top specialist in air and oceantransport, is working with improved technology to track packages and handle temperature-sensitiveshipments as well as implementing warehouse automation with RFID tracking totrack cargo location, shipment consolidation and shipping schedules. DHL GlobalForwarding unveiled yesterday a new advanced data analytics tool designed forclients with highly sensitive cargo such as the life sciences and healthcaresector. It provides quick analysis and insights for better decision-making suchas the optimal trade lanes to utilize, verification of temperature controls intransit, and the ability to analyze and reduce risks. Like DHL Express, DHLGlobal Forwarding is using virtual reality for employee training programs inseveral countries in the Americas. DHL eCommerce Solutions, a major provider ofdomestic and cross-border delivery services for online retailers, is also usingautomation and robotics to improve productivity in its distribution centers. It'sutilizing new software solutions to optimize inventory management for itsmerchants and improve the last-mile delivery experience for consumers.
For moreinformation about the DHL Americas Innovation Center and how DHL is at theforefront of innovation in the logistics industry, please click here.
In 2019 DHLis celebrating 50 years since the company's founding by three entrepreneurs inSan Francisco in 1969. DHL began as a disruptor to the traditional deliveryindustry, circumventing bureaucracy with an innovative new service to deliverdocuments by air overnight. Since then, DHL has grown into a globe-spanningfamily of DHL companies with about 380,000 employees in over 220 countries andterritories that covers the entire spectrum of logistics and supply chainservices. DHL's customer-centricity and can-do culture have fueled five decadesof innovation -- from the DHL 1000, one ofthe first word processing computers in the world, to using the purpose builtStreetScooter, an environmentally friendly delivery vehicle powered by anelectric drive and developed by Deutsche Post DHL Group. With the Mission 2050commitment to reach zero group-wide emissions by 2050, DHL is continuing to bea trailblazer in the logistics industry.
DHL -- The logistics company for theworld
DHL is theleading global brand in the logistics industry. Our DHL family of divisionsoffer an unrivalled portfolio of logistics services ranging from national andinternational parcel delivery, e-commerce shipping and fulfillment solutions,international express, road, air and ocean transport to industrial supply chainmanagement. With about 380,000 employees in more than 220 countries andterritories worldwide, DHL connects people and businesses securely andreliably, enabling global trade flows. With specialized solutions for growthmarkets and industries including technology, life sciences and healthcare,energy, automotive and retail, a proven commitment to corporate responsibilityand an unrivalled presence in developing markets, DHL is decisively positionedas "The logistics company for the world".
DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group. The Group generated revenues ofmore than 61 billion euros in 2018.