and Dr. Amir Ali Salemi, Founder and CEO of JTA Investment Qatar, at the MOU signing ceremony.)

MINNEAPOLIS, USA - EQS - 20 August 2019- Research by CWT, the B2B4E travelmanagement platform, shows that awarenessof maintaining healthy eating habits is growing momentum amongst businesstravelers. Overall 38% of business travelers eat healthier while on the road.Asia Pacific travelers are the most likely to eat healthier when traveling forbusiness (46%) compared to travelers in Americas (35%) and Europe (29%).
"Maintaining healthy habits whiletraveling is nearing the top of the priority list for travelers around theworld," said Niklas Andréen, CWT's Chief Traveler Experience Officer."At the end of the day, being in tune with what matters to your employeesis indispensable for retaining and attracting the best talent."
Travelersin Asia Pacific are likely to work out more (33%) while abroad, compared totravelers in Americas (23%) and Europe (21%). On the flipside, Europe businesstravelers are less likely to work out while on the road (48%) vs. travelers inAmericas (38%) and Asia Pacific (32%).
Meanwhile,only 7% of travelers do not adhere to health and wellnessroutines when traveling. The percentage is higher among Europeans (10%)and Americans (8%), while travelers in Asia Pacific are the least likelyto steer away from their wellness routines (3%).
Since 2017,maintaining health and wellness routines while on the road has become anincreasing priority for travelers. Across all regions, business travelers arestriving to achieve their health and wellness routines regardless of where theyare in the world.
I work hard to adhere to my health and wellness routines
| Total | Asia Pacific | Americas | Europe |
42% | 52% | 37% | 32% | 2019 | |
38% | 45% | 36% | 33% | 2017 |
CWT's research also shows that hotelexercise rooms and equipment are the most common way for business travelers toadhere to their health and wellness routines (49%), followed byhotel swimming pool (40%), and in-room hotel equipment such asyoga mats and stationary bikes (27%).
About the survey
The survey was created by CWT and conducted byArtemis Strategy Group between the 29th of January and the 9th of February,2019. Responses were collected from more than 2,700 business travelers whotraveled for business four or more times in the previous 12 months. Respondentswere from the Americas (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and the UnitedStates), Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain,Sweden, and the UK) and Asia Pacific (Australia, China, India, Japan, andSingapore).
CWT is a Business-to-Business-for-Employees(B2B4E) travel management platform. Companies and governments rely on us tokeep their people connected - anywhere, anytime, anyhow - and across sixcontinents, we provide their employees with innovative technology and anefficient, safe and secure travel experience. Every single day, we look afterenough travelers to fill more than 100,000 hotel rooms, while our meetings andevents division handles more than 100 events every 24 hours.
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Artemis Strategy Groupis a research firm specializing in brand positioning, thought leadershipand policy issues.