, honored the Chen Zhi Scholarship Batch 4 Interview Day as the guest of honor, joined by Mr. Gabriel Tan, Head of Prince Foundation (8th from the left), along with the foundation's management team and participating students.)

NEW YORK, US - MediaOutReach - 20 August 2019 - RD Whittington graduated from theprestigious Oak Ridge Military Academy and after a series of jobs, he decidedto pursue his calling and start a premier luxury car dealership- Luxury AutoCollection where celebrities and UHNWI alike purchase some of the rarest andmost exclusive vehicles in the world. From rare cars to expensive jets and extravagantyachts, Whittington prides himself on finding the best deals and deliveringresults to his clients in a timely manner. Furthermore, he is the go-to carbroker for many Hollywood celebrities from: Jamie Foxx (a close friend), Marshmello,Floyd Mayweather, Taylor Swift, Chris Brown, ASAP Rocky and many more.
Other than being an astute businessman, Whittington credits hissuccess to three principles that continue to grow his business.
Customer Service
RD prides himself on providing exceptional customer serviceand having attention to detail on his clients' luxury purchases, In a New YorkTimes article he mentions "My phoneis always on, a lot of my clients operate at night and only at night. If youmiss that call, you might miss $1 million."
In addition, he goesonto mention "Money is secondary, my number one priority is making theimpossible possible. Going above and beyond is the reason I continue to have reoccurringclients and referrals. Whether it be getting Taylor Swift's team a BugattiVeyron to crash into the Rodeo Drive set for her "Look What You Made Me Do"music video or selling Floyd Mayweather a new set of wheels to add to his fleetof luxury cars, RD has almost sold every celebrity a fresh set of wheels and ifhe hasn't sold you, you're next on his list.
Social Media
"Instagram has opened more opportunities than ever. Withpeople across the globe having access to Instagram, people are gravitatedtowards the visual nature of the platform and since they're spending severalhours a day, I have a better chance of my content being seen by millions ofpeople, including celebrities. I have also been able to sell clients luxurycars through DM's and have them wire millions of dollars in an instant- it'ssynonymous with the trust that I've built with clients. "he mentions.
In additionWhittington credits his ability to understand his high end clientele's buyinghabits and their consumer psychology.
Consumers don't want to be sold, they want to be understoodand they want to understand that they're making the right decision. Most peopleare fixated on a quick deal, Whittington is focused on the lifetime value ofhis clients and wants to be their friend and business partner by helping themmake important buying decisions. You don't earn the trust of smart buyers bytricking or fooling them, you have to understand the rich and wealthy work hardfor their money; many people around them are always focused on taking from themwhereas Wittington is focused on helping them make important decisions by beinga close confidant.
It's extremely important for people to understand they cantrust you and that's developed by having results and staying true to your word.If you can't be respectful of people's time and deliver results, it will bevery difficult to succeed in life.
Whittingonfocuses a lot of his time on giving back in partnership with other charitiessome of which include the LA Shriner's Children's Hospital and My Friend'sHouse. Even though he spends a lot of time with high profile clients, one ofWhittington's favourite people is Sebastian, age 9, who is a patient at thehospital and helps him deliver toys to the LA Shriner's Children's Hospital.
He attributes his success to a people-first philosophy, andhe's continuing to expand his empire by opening a dealership in Beverly Hillsnear Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles.
As a 35-year-old, he understands younger customers andemployees; he also has the experience. "I've built my business with thestrategies I talk about. I want to be recognized as someone who executed on hisbeliefs and remained true to himself. Jamie Foxx promoted our business in theearly days which accelerated the growth of our business and led us to work onhigh profile projects on movie sets, music videos and TV shows."
Every hour of his day is planned, including weekends."People tell me I'm too busy, but that's how I want to be. I enjoy what Ido and my work isn't work- it's my passion" he says.
His best advice for anyone looking to get into business,"Follow your passion, model successful people in your industry because whateveryou want to do has already been done by someone and be prepared to work hard."
What's next for RD Whittington? Other than travelling andmaking a positive difference in the lives of others, he has been working onexciting projects and a reality show on a popular streaming network.
To follow the exciting life of Hollywood's top celebrity carbroker- you can check out his Instagram: @wiresonly to see what'shappening in his life or you may just scroll your way to finding your dream caron his page.