SHKP Executive Director and SUNeVision Vice Chairman Allen Fung, SHKP Chairman & Managing Director and SUNeVision Chairman Raymond Kwok, Deputy Financial Secretary Michael Wong and SHKP Executive Director and SUNeVision Non-Executive Director Christopher Kwok officiate the initiation ceremony of MEGA IDC Phase Two.)

TAIPEI,TAIWAN - Media OutReach -2 May 2019 - Digital Taipei, the only exposition in Taiwan to focus onprofessional business matching, will be held from July 12 to 14 at the ExpoDome at the Taipei Expo Park. This year, the event is held jointly with theSummer Game Show, in conjunction with TGDF(Taipei GameDevelopers Forum), to gather professionals in thedomestic and overseas digital content industry ecosystem in the same place,which will surely create a huge digital content buzz this summer. Freeregistrations for buyers are open now. Buyers from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia,Indonesia, and other countries in Southeast Asia are welcome to attend theevent in Taiwan.
Thetheme for Digital Taipei 2019 is "Focus on Change". The event is devoted tovaluing original products and stress the importance of cross-industrypartnerships. Invitations to the event were sent to a wide range of publishersin digital gaming, original IP, cash flow services, publishing, film andtelevision, digital media and other fields, as well as distribution agencies,platform providers, developers, content procurers and other buyers. The eventalso offers one-on-one business matching services which creates a convenientand direct channel for interactions and accelerates the entry into theinternational market.
Lookingback at the 2018 Digital Taipei, nearly 200 overseas and domestic companiesattended this event, which attracted over 3,000 professional visitors andforeign buyers from nearly 20 countries. It generated over NT $1 billion inbusiness matches and the successful one-on-one business meeting services foronline and offline integration that has elapsed over the years is a uniqueadvantage offered by this one and only digital content business exposition inTaiwan. We welcome all foreign market companies to seize the opportunity tosign up and attend this grand industrial event. For more information, please goto the official website