SHKP Executive Director and SUNeVision Vice Chairman Allen Fung, SHKP Chairman & Managing Director and SUNeVision Chairman Raymond Kwok, Deputy Financial Secretary Michael Wong and SHKP Executive Director and SUNeVision Non-Executive Director Christopher Kwok officiate the initiation ceremony of MEGA IDC Phase Two.)

BATAM, INDONESIA - Media OutReach - 30 April2019 - (PT. Pollux BarelangMegasuperblok) As Batam continues to transform itself from a manufacturingcenter into a international property and tourism hub, international investorswill be buoyed with the launch of the ultra-luxurious Erlesen Tower by PTPollux Properti Indonesia Tbk (IJ:POLL).
Boasting 385 units of 1, 2,and 3 bedroom units, the luxury penthouse collection will further enhanceBatam's reputation as a rising investment and tourism destination in theregion. The Erlesen Tower will rival Singapore's Marina Bay Sands with its ownsky pool and lounge which will provide sweeping vistas of the surroundingisands.
The Erlesen Tower is part of US$1 billion B.J. Habibie Superblockdevelopment. PT Pollux Barelang Megasuperblok,or commonly known as Pollux Habibie International, is a collaboration betweenPT Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk. and the family of former President ofIndonesia, BJ. Habibie.
"Batam has always been closeto my heart as from its very beginning we envisioned it as a bridge betweenIndonesia and the world," said former president BJ Habibie. "In the beginningwe started with attracting manufacturing investments and it was a verysuccessful as today Batam today is a major center for heavy industries."
The former president addedthat the Meisterstadt development will enable Batam to undertake the second phase of developmentinto an international investment and tourism destination.
"We must continue to innovate,to develop and to progress. I am very happy and very proud to be part of thisdevelopment project as Meisterstadt is a concrete example of what Batam canachieve if we have the courage and the vision to think big."
Just as the iconic BarelangBridge has come to define Batam and improved connectivity between Batam and theislands to its south, Meisterstadt will define the Batam of the future.
Meisterstadt, a collaborationbetween Indonesia real estate tycoon Po Sun Kok and Indonesia's third PresidentB.J. Habibie, is only one of several world class projects undertaken by PolluxProperti Indonesia Tbk.
The two men established the jointventure commonly known as Pollux Habibie International and Po wants to develop the nine hectare siteinto a landmark project in Batam.
Po, who established a garmentbusiness in Semarang in the early 1970s has emerged in recent years as one ofIndonesia's most innovative property developers. Pollux Properti is one of fewIndonesian companies that has a regional presence with operations in Singaporeand Indonesia.
Batam will be a majorstatement of intent for Po and Pollux Properti given the scale and economicimpact that Meisterstadt will have on the islands's economy as it seeks totransition from heavy industries to tourism and services.
Situated just 30 minutes byferry from Singapore, Batam is seen by investors as a future Shenzhen, amanufacturing hub supported by services. It can act as a base for internationalinvestors and businesses who want to access Indonesia's vast domestic marketmuch as HongKong does for China.
"As a property developmentcompany, PT Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk. has the ambition to create world-classprojects," said Po Sun Kok, Chairman of PT Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk.
"We strongly believe thatMeisterstadt will position Pollux Properti as one of the most innovativeproperty developers in Indonesia and the region."
The Meisterstadt is a ninehectare multi-functional development project. It will feature 11 skyscrapers including8 apartment towers with 6500 units, 1 five star hotel, 1 internationalhospital, shopping mall, shop houses and 1 landmark tower with a plan of 100floors. The Gross Project Development cost exceeds US$900 million for what isto be the largest project in Batam. The area is designed with reference to thestandard German city which integrates apartment buildings with offices andhospitals.
Pollux PropertiIndonesia Tbk was listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on July 11, 2018(IJ:POLL), making it one of the 10 largest property developers in the country,with a market capital exceeding US$1.1 billion as of December 31, 2018.
Its property projectportfolio includes: World Capital Tower in Mega Kuningan Jakarta, MegasuperblokMeisterstadt in Batam, Amarsvati luxury Condotel in Lombok, ChadstoneSuperblock in Cikarang, Pollux Technopolis CBD in Karawang, Gangnam District inBekasi and the latest luxury apartment project Pollux Sky Suites in MegaKuningan, Jakarta.