SHKP Executive Director and SUNeVision Vice Chairman Allen Fung, SHKP Chairman & Managing Director and SUNeVision Chairman Raymond Kwok, Deputy Financial Secretary Michael Wong and SHKP Executive Director and SUNeVision Non-Executive Director Christopher Kwok officiate the initiation ceremony of MEGA IDC Phase Two.)

KUALALUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach -2 MAY 2019 - Alfa Academic Tuiton Centre (Pusat Tuisyen AlfaAkademik), one of the first tuition centres in Malaysia to be accredited toteach the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), isplanning its most successful year to date as its results continue to go fromstrength to strength.
Aheadof the summer exam season, Alfa is offering a free revision seminar on May 4th,2019, open to all national and international secondary school students. Theseminar is based on the centre's unique teaching methodologies, which focus on studyingtechniques specifically for effective preparation for exams.
Lastyear, Alfa presented a RM5,000 cheque to one of its highest achieving students,Ng Jih Bin, to fund his A-level studies after achieving straight A's inChemistry, Physics and Additional Maths at IGCSE level. The delighted Jih Bin wasfull of praise for his tutors, saying "the dedication and preparation of thefaculty here helped me ensure I was absolutely ready for everything the examthrew at me. Their passion for the subjects really helped inspire mine."
Aswell as future scholarship funds, Mr. Sanjay Sangaran, Centre Manager, islooking at more ways to give back to the community in 2019. Talks are underwaywith children's foundations and national schools with B40 students to providefree tuition to less privileged youths as part of a CSR initiative by thecentre.
Mr.Sanjay looks forward to welcoming a new cohort of keen students for the upcomingsummer exam period, and investing in bigger and better facilities as enrolmentgrows: "we are set to be the first tuition centre in the city with afully-functioning science laboratory, which will greatly enhance the practicalaspect of our Science classes. We have ambitions to open new centres across theKlang Valley -- and beyond -- to ensure that even as we grow, pupil-teacherratios are maintained to reflect the level of attention and quality in ourtutoring that we insist upon".
AlfaAcademic offers expert tutoring across a range of subjects in several formats,from general classroom learning at a regular place, to remedial or intensivelessons for weaker subjects or struggling students. One-to-one learning is alsoavailable for students who require close attention and full faculty support,and crash courses help those 'cramming' for exams at an accelerated pace.
Thecentre prides itself on its programs, offering not just IGCSE tutoring toprepare students for the International Baccalaureate curriculum, but alsospecialising in tutoring for the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM),the national examination for all fifth-form secondary students in Malaysia. Allcourses have been approved by the Ministry of Education. Facultyare chosen for their experience and expertise in specific subjects, and thecentre motto, "Your Success is Our Success", reflects the philosophy ofempowering individual achievement for the benefit of all. Visit to learnmore.
Pusat Tuisyen Alfa Akademik (AlfaAcademic Tuition Centre) is part of Scholastic Ventures Group which specializesin providing the best tutorial classes for both Malaysian GovernmentExamination (PT3 & SPM), and the Cambridge International Examination (CIE)-- the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE). Allclasses are conducted in English except for Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language).