SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 9 April 2019 - Dole Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd., a subsidiary ofITOCHU Corporation, today announced the appointment of Pier Luigi Sigismondi asPresident of its Worldwide Packaged Foods business.
Sigismondijoins Dole with over 20 years of industry experience in consumer goods. Beforejoining the company, he was President of Unilever Southeast Asia andAustralasia, where he led the business of this fast-growing region. Prior tothat, Sigismondi held multiple global senior executive, operations and board roleswith Unilever and Nestlé, in addition to NED positions in Europe and the USA.
Basedat its headquarters in Singapore, Sigismondi is responsible for the globaloperations of Dole Packaged Foods and for driving the company's continuedinnovation, growth and transformation across all markets. "We are very pleasedto welcome Pier Luigi to the Dole family," said Takeshi Kumekawa, President andCEO of Dole Asia Holdings. "With his diverse experience in leading growth forconsumer goods across an extensive range of markets, we are confident that PierLuigi will successfully combine the best from Dole's 168 year expertise, thestrengths of ITOCHU and lead us towards a healthy and sustainable future"
"I am thrilled to join Dole, an iconic brand thathas long been committed to bring a healthy lifestyle to people around the worldfor generations", said Sigismondi. "I look forward to building further thispurpose and fulfilling Dole's true global long-term profitable growth potential."
AnItalian citizen born in Venezuela, Sigismondi holds a Master's Degree from theGeorgia Institute of Technology in the United States.
Withheadquarters in Singapore, Dole Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd. is the global operatingheadquarters of the Dole Group of companies ("Dole") owned by ITOCHUCorporation, a leading Japanese conglomerate. Dole markets globally a growing line of packaged and frozen fruitproducts and snacks and is a leader in growing, distributing and marketingfresh fruits throughout the Asia region.