and Dr. Amir Ali Salemi, Founder and CEO of JTA Investment Qatar, at the MOU signing ceremony.)

HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - March 11th, 2019 - Money20/20 is the world'sleading platform where the Financial Services, Payments and FinTech communityconnect and create the future of money. The Asian edition - Money20/20 Asiawill bring over 300 industry leading speakers to reveal their top companystrategies, share unique opinions on the hottest topics and predict the futuretrends.
The entire industry is eager tosee what industry-shaping trends, new technologies and innovation will define2019. Money20/20 Asia has released six FinTech forecasts and predictions fromsome of their featured speakers, which provides a taste of what the globalaudience will learn from the event.
Sreeram Iyer, COO, InstitutionalBanking at ANZ Banking Group provided his banking perspective on thelong-standing industry topic -- blockchain applications.
"Though not a commonly-held view, Corporate &Institutional Banking will certainly witness the maturity, practical adoption,and benefit-realisations of *private* Blockchain applications and gear up for tractionin 2020. These will have significant customer experience improvements andinternal productivity gains - not only in Trade, but in Lending & GlobalMarkets alike." Sreeram Iyer will join the Panel Session 'The incumbents' response' at 12.10pm on 20thMarch.
Jakub Zakrzewski, GeneralManager, APAC from one of the strongest challenger banks, Revolut, shared hisinsider view on the key elements to strengthen the competitive advantages ofchallenger banks in 2019.
"A big trend to look out for in 2019 will be theincreased use of automation, machine learning and AI, which will enable bankingchallengers to automate, accelerate and improve the quality of theirdecision-making. This will help them across the business, but particularly whenit comes to tackling financial crime faster and far more accurately thanoutdated, manual processes" Jakub Zakrzewski will join thePanel Session 'Fintech challengers' at 3.50pm on 20th March.
Nilanshuk Haldar, Head of Financial Services Partnerships, APAC atAmazon Web Services shares his point of view on financial cloud technologyadoption in Financial Services.
"Financial institutions are adopting thecloud to innovate at the speed of fintech startups, and to ensure greatersecurity, flexibility, and the ability to scale up as needed efficiently andquickly. In 2019, expect many more incumbents and challenger banks to runcritical parts of their business - and sometimes their entire infrastructure -on the cloud." Commented by Nilanshuk Haldar will speak in the Sessiontitled 'When to moveto the cloud? Business cases and implementation hurdles'at 4.25pm on 20th March.
Dr. Kfir Bar, Chief Scientist at Basis Technology predicted blockchainand cryptocurrencies impact in Financial Services in 2019.
"The future is uncertain forblockchain and cryptocurrencies in financial services. There's no doubt digitalvalue protocols, distributed ledgers, and smart contracts have a compellinghypothetical value proposition for the industry, but real-world applicationshave been noticeably lacking. I think they can have a significant impact, butit's hard to predict what it will be." Dr. Kfir Bar will speak on Panel Session 'Are we usingit right? Learnings from (perceived) AI applications in financial services' at3.55pm on 19th March.
Theodora Lau, Founder atUnconventional Venture commented on predicted Fintech & Bank partnershipsin 2019.
"2019 is the year of autonomous banking - when wemove from insights to action. The winners will be those who leverage emergingtechnologies such as AI and advanced analytics to become truly trusted advisorfor their customers -- automating their day-to-day finances and empowering themtowards a more financially secure future." Theodora Lau, Founder at UnconventionalVenture who will be moderating 'Reverse Pitch: Why you (fintech) should take my money (VC)! 'at 4.20pm on 19th March; and Case study: HSBC and Google Cloud at 4.05pm on 20thMarch.
James Lloyd, Asia-Pacific FinTechLeader at EY shared his view on the 2019 trend of FinTech and TechFin partnerecosystems.
"The emergence ofdigital "challenger" banks is a global trend.Taking learnings from other markets and inspired by thesuccess of major "TechFin" players in China, platform-enabledchallengers in Asia-Pacific are likely to be among the most innovative -creating and participating in partner ecosystems extending beyond financeinto such areas as retail, transportation, travel, and telecommunications."James Lloyd will speak in his session titled 'The evolution of the challengerbank model' at 3.30pm on 20th March; Session 'Platform challengers' at 4.20pm on 20thMarch; Session 'Hong Kong Virtual License Status Check' at 5pm on 20th Marchand Session 'Building a bank from scratch' at 2.40pm on 21st March.
Money20/20 Asia's full agendafeatures over 300 of the world's leading innovators delivering expert insightsinto the critical themes and developments on how businesses and people spend,manage, save, borrow, share and protect money. Curated by independent industryexperts, the agenda runs across 3 full days and 6 unique stages and will givebusinesses the knowledge and tools they need to prepare for tomorrow'sFinancial Services marketplace. See the full agenda: https://asia.money2020.com/2019-agenda-full
On 19-21March 2019, Money 20/20 Asia will take place at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.You'll get access to real-life case studies, insights, stories of successes andfailures, workshops and more that will enable you to understand the ways inwhich you can evolve your business to grow across Asia and beyond. Find outmore on https://asia.money2020.com/
Founded in 2011, Money20/20creates destination events where the most innovative people in payments,FinTech and the broader financial services industry connect. Famed for theirhigh-impact networking, the USA edition, held in LasVegas (October), the Europe edition, heldin Amsterdam (June), the APAC edition, held in Singapore (March), andthe China edition, held in Hangzhou (December) are widely considered unmissableby the industry they serve. Money20/20 is the space where the industry'ssmartest visionaries and innovators come together to connect and create thefuture of money. Money20/20 is an Ascential event. www.money2020.com
Ascential is the innovativeinformation company that enables smart decision making for business. In anincreasingly complex, digitally-driven world, we help our clients understandwhat's important and how to act on it -- today, and in the future.
Through our business-critical intelligence, world-classevents and advice, we empower the world's most ambitious brands to find theirfocus and dramatically improve performance, particularly in the digital economy.From finance to fashion, ecommerce to economic forecasting, we anticipatetrends and connect people with market-leading, sector-specific expertise --helping customers to overcome their commercial challenges and unlock value.
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