HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 13 December 2018 - Kerry Logistics Network Limited ('Kerry Logistics'; Stock Code 0636.HK)was honoured with the Hong Kong Corporate Governance Excellence Awards 2018(the 'Awards'), which was jointly presented by The Chamber of Hong Kong ListedCompanies and the Centre for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy of theHong Kong Baptist University at the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong last night. It markedthe second time Kerry Logistics has won the accolade since 2015.
Organisedannually since 2007, the Awards confer recognition to listed companies fortheir outstanding commitment to shareholder rights, compliance, integrity,fairness, responsibility, accountability, transparency, board independence andleadership, corporate social responsibility, and exhibiting a holistic approachto business ethics. The honourees were first assessed by an expert review groupon their corporate governance and/or sustainability performance, and thenselected by an award judging panel comprising leading members of the securitiesand investment markets and the area of corporate governance based on aninterview with the company's core corporate governance team.
KerryLogistics shone with its diversified board and notable initiatives, includingan effective stakeholder programme which has been implemented to understandexternal concerns for aiding in the formulation of its business and developmentstrategies.
WilliamMa, Group Managing Director of Kerry Logistics, said, "We are delighted to berecognised once again for our tireless dedication to maintaining the higheststandards of corporate governance. We would also like to express our gratitudeto the esteemed experts and judges for awarding us this honour. Accountabilityand transparency are the watchwords of our corporate value; we do our utmost toenhance corporate value and safeguard shareholders' interests and rights. As wecelebrate the fifth anniversary of our listing, we will continue to preservethe integrity of our corporate governance practices and adhering to value-generatingprinciples to best serve our customers and stakeholders."
KerryLogistics believes that shareholders can maximise their benefits from goodcorporate governance and abides by the philosophy of creating long-term valuefor its stakeholders that is in line with the sustainable growth of itsbusiness. It is Kerry Logistics' aspiration to be a responsible corporatecitizen with the spirit of pursuing excellence.
About Kerry Logistics Network Limited (Stock Code0636.HK)
KerryLogistics is an Asia-based, global 3PL with the strongest network in Asia. Itscore competency is providing highly customised solutions to multinationalcorporations and international brands to enhance their supply chain efficiency,reduce overall costs, and improve response time to market. Kerry Logistics hasa network covering 53 countries and territories, and is managing 53 million sqft of land and logistics facilities worldwide, providing customers with highreliability and flexibility to support their expansion and long-term growth.Kerry Logistics Network Limited is listed on the Main Board of the Hong KongStock Exchange and is a selected Member of the Hang Seng CorporateSustainability Index Series 2017-2018.
About Hong Kong CorporateGovernance Excellence Awards
The Chamberof Hong Kong Listed Companies and the Centre for Corporate Governance andFinancial Policy of the Hong Kong Baptist University jointly instituted and organised the Hong Kong Corporate Governance ExcellenceAwards in 2007. The Awards have been conferred annually. The Awardswere designed to encourage improvement in corporate governance of listedcompanies in Hong Kong.