KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach- 13 December 2018 - Johnson &Johnson Vision inaugurated 24 optical centres as ACUVUE® Eye Health Centres. Endorsedby the Association of Malaysian Optometrists (AMO), the ACUVUE® Eye Health Centrestatus recognises eye health centres in Malaysia that uphold quality,professional eye care services according to national guidelines and in doing soare well positioned to lead the way for higher eye health standards inMalaysia.
While Malaysians become more health conscious, many oftenoverlook eye health. The World Health Organisation reports that myopia and high myopia wereestimated to affect 27% (1893 million) and 2.8% (170 million) of the worldpopulation respectively[1] . Thereport further indicates that by 2050, the prevalenceof myopia will be much higher in high-income regions of the Asia Pacific, ineast Asia and in south-east Asia1. It is also estimated that one in every 10 children in Malaysia sufferfrom an undiagnosed vision impairment[2] . A Johnson& Johnson study conducted in 2017 also noted that 42% of contact lenswearers did not know contact lenses are considered a medical device requiring aprescription[3].WithAsians being at a higher risk for vision impairment, Johnson & JohnsonVision has made a push to educate the public on the importance of eye care.
"The recognition of 24 optical centres as ACUVUE® Eye Health Centre setsthe standard for holistic eye care in Malaysia. This initiative continues fromthe introduction of consumer eye health awareness launched in 2016, to educateconsumers on better eye health, how to access thebest vision correction and healthier contact lens options. With the continuous cross-partnership of the MalaysianOptical Council (MOC), the Association of Malaysian Optometrist (AMO) and Johnson& Johnson, in 2017, the Contact Lens Practice Guidelines were launched tobetter equip eye care professionals with tools to encourage contact lens usersin Malaysia to not risk their eyesight, seek proper eye examination andconsultation before purchasing contact lenses," said Jeremy Tay, Johnson & Johnson Vision, BusinessUnit Director.
He added, "Optometrists play an integral role asthe first line of response to provide primary eye care services for the publicand we believe that with the recognition and endorsement by the Association ofMalaysian Optometrist (AMO), the launch of the ACUVUE® Eye Health Centres willhelp Malaysians gain better access to the highest quality of professional andholistic eye care to have healthier, more comfortable vision."
An eye test is more than a vision test and comprises vision testing,clinical refraction and assessment of the efficient use of your eyes as well asan assessment of eye health. Only after completing a full eye examination, spectaclesor contact lenses are prescribed and dispensed. The ACUVUE®Eye Health Centre status recognised and endorsed by the Association ofMalaysian Optometrists (AMO) provides consumers with a reference point on wherethey may access quality eye care service provided by professionals who committo the patient's eye health first.
The 24 optical centres as ACUVUE® Eye Health Centre are:
Eye Health Centres | Location |
Anna Eyecare Optometry | Kuching |
B.L. Optometrist | Bangsar |
Chan May May Optometrist | Penang |
Chan Visual Care Optometrist | Penang |
Eye Street Optometrist | Old Klang Road |
Eyez Optometry Holdings | Bangsar Village II |
Eyecon Optometry | Melaka |
Eyeflex Optometrist | Johor Bahru |
Flexzoom Optometrist | Johor Bahru |
Focus Point | Pavillion Kuala Lumpur |
Focus Point Signature | KLCC |
Focus Point Signature | Mid Valley |
I-Care By Eyez Optometry Holdings | Atria |
I-Care By Eyez Optometry Holdings | Bangsar Village |
I-View Optometrist | Penang |
M & J Optometry Centre | Bangsar |
Paris Miki | 1 Utama |
Paris Miki | KLCC |
Paris Miki | Mid Valley |
S.L Chan Optometrist | Ipoh |
Vision Space | Damansara Utama |
Vision Space | Sunway Giza |
Vision Space | SS2 |
Zeiss Vision Center by Eyez Optometry Holdings | Pavillion |
Woon Pak Seong, President of Association of Malaysian Optometrists, said, "MostMalaysians visit an optical store as a purely retail experience. However, avisit to the optometrist is more than just buying glasses or contact lens off-the-shelfafter an eye check. Regular and proper eye examinations are required to ensurethat the prescription is current. Also, it is important for consumers toconsult a skilled and certified optometrist, for many common eye diseases arebest treated when an early diagnosis is made. As such, patients who seek aqualified optometrist at a centre that has been endorsed by the Association ofMalaysian Optometrists (AMO) is assured they will receive the proper eye careservice and advice.
The public is often confronted with a flood ofinformation surrounding their eye health. Speaking as a panellist during the event, Puan Nor Azizah Ismail, Secretary of The Malaysian Optical Councilcommented that, "There are often misconceptions amongst the public that glassesor contact lenses are not necessary or view contact lenses as one-size-fits-all.However, the truth is that non-optometric distribution of any contact lensesmay place the wearer's eye health at risk and more importantly, wearers maymiss out on crucial, regular eye health and vision checks. As such, there is aneed to enable an environment for consumers to be aware of the need for eyechecks with professional eye health centres, and the standard of eye careservice they should be receiving as well as where can they receive it."
About Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Companies
Johnson & Johnson is a company committed to caring forthe world, one person at a time. This is consistently done through theembracing of research and science - bringing innovative ideas, products andservices to advance the health and well-being of people. Since the inception ofthe Vision Care division, they have strived to increase awareness of theimportance of vision care and to provide the world's most exceptional visioncorrection options. To that end, Johnson & Johnson's passion for innovationand unwavering commitment to the highest standards of quality has enabled themto become the world leader in vision care, transforming vision correction in1988 with the world's first soft disposable contact lenses. They are the makersof a family of outstanding ACUVUE® Brand Contact Lenses, worn by more peoplethan any other brand in the world[4]. Johnson& Johnson Vision Care is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida.
Johnson& Johnson Vision Care Malaysia adheres closely to the credo-based cultureof the organization, championing public education, development of professionalsin the industry and community development initiatives.
About Association of Malaysian Optometrists (AMO)
The optical industry has been in Malaysia for decades, but it hasbeen populated mostly by dispensing opticians and unqualified practitioners. In1991, the government implemented the Optical Act. Through this act, a new bornprofession has been categorized and that is the optometrist. They are not onlytrained merely on dispensing spectacles but are university trained in eyeexamination. They are taught about the eye structure, its biochemistry, itsoptics, and its pharmacology among others. So this is the properly trainedprofessional forming the new generation of practices.
Our association was formed in February 1984, consisting of 200 oddmembers throughout Malaysia and overseas. Today, we have close to 600 members.In Malaysia, it is the largest body that represents the optometrist profession.We are the primary eye care professionals who recognize eye problems and plan aproper course of therapy related to the eye or carry out the appropriatereferrals. Through this association, we hope to unite all optometriststhroughout the country and together we will promote by all reasonable means, theencouragement and advancement of the science of optics in its application tothe preservation of sight.
[1] WHO,The Impact of Myopia and high Myopia
[2] NewStraits Times, One in 10 children in Malaysia has an undiagnosed visionproblem: Study, https://www.nst.com.my/news/2017/03/217734/one-10-children-malaysia-has-undiagnosed-vision-problem-study
[3] Association of Malaysian Optometrist,National Eye Health Awareness (NEHA) Reinforces the Importance of Proper EyeCare among Malaysians
[4] EuromonitorInternational; eyewear 2018 edition; value sales at rsp, all retail channels,2016 data; "Acuvue Family of brands" represents aggregated sales of followingbrands at GBN level: Acuvue Oasys, 1-Day Acuvue Moist, 1-Day Acuvue, AcuvueAdvance and Acuvue.