SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 15 November 2018 - YCH Group, Asia Pacific'sleading integrated end-to-end supply chain management and logistics partnersigned a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with T&T Group, a multi-industryVietnamese corporation to look at establishing Smart Growth Centres in Ho ChiMinh and Hanoi as part of SGConnect™ (Smart Growth Connect), ASEAN BusinessAdvisory Council's (ASEAN BAC) fifth Legacy Project.
Asthe supply chain hub for urban cities, these Smart Growth Centres aim todistribute and manage a range of different products for the city populationwhile reducing socio-economic burden such as pollution, congestion andnoise. These Centres will maximisedistribution efficiencies, with data-enabled real-time visibility of goodsmovements and quality control.
T&TGroup will be working with the Vietnamese government and its local authoritiesfor all necessary works and procedures during the location selection andproject implementation process. YCH Group will establish the projectimplementation plan, including the list of investment items and a detailedaction plan.
TheMoU was endorsed by ASEAN BAC at the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit2018. Along with the announcement of theMoU, ASEAN BAC also shared about Oeuvre, a new app-based solution that would relievecity traffic congestion by intelligently coordinating goods deliveries acrossthe cities based on the availability of loading bays at retail malls and keydelivery nodes. Solutions such as Oeuvre would be one of many technologiesincorporated into the Smart Growth Centres.
"ASEANBAC's Smart Growth Connect legacy project is totally in line with thedevelopment orientation of T&T Group. This project will not only bringabout economic benefits, but also promote the development of production, goodscirculation, import and export as well as build a new face for the logistics industryin Vietnam. In addition, the project is fully aligned with the global trend inthe 4.0 revolution, bringing high technology into cutting edge areas, includinglogistics. I believe this will be a regional legacy project in the very nearfuture," said Chairman and CEO of T&T Group, Mr Do Quang Hien.
"YCHGroup has been providing supply chain management solutions in Vietnam since2009 and have grown together with our partners here. This is largely because we believe indeveloping symbiotic and sustainable growth with our partners, and we do so bysharing and exchanging our know-how and best practices with them and the localVietnam workforce. We believe in inclusive growth and are proud to pioneer thislegacy project with T&T Group," said Ms Chan Yoke Ping, Regional Directorof YCH Group.
About YCH Group
Founded in 1955 and headquartered inSingapore, YCH Group is the leading end-to-end supply chain solutions partnerto some of the world's largest companies and favourite brands across more than100 cities in the Asia Pacific region. A strong proponent of innovation, YCH isrecognized for its 7PL™ approach in seamlessly integrating supply chainstrategy with execution. YCH's launch of Supply Chain City®, Asia's nexus ofsupply chain excellence on 22 September 2017 will create new benchmarks in thelogistics and supply chain industry, supporting Singapore's key growth areas,namely in urban solutions, smart logistics and robotics.
For more information, please visit www.ych.com
About T&T Group
Founded in 1993 under the name ofT&T Technology and Trading Co., Ltd., after 25 years of establishment anddevelopment, T&T Group has become a multi-industry corporation with internationalstature. T&T is now active in 7 business areas: (1) Finance &Investment; (2) Real estate; (3) Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries; (4) TransportInfrastructure, Sea Port & Logistics; (5) Industry and Trade; (6) Minerals,Energy & Environment; (7) Health, Education & Sport.