HONG KONG, CHINA - Media Outreach- November 14,2018 - Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company (NYSE:HPE), today announced a new family of802.11ax (Wi-Fi 6) IoT-ready wireless access points (APs) andcomplementary access switches, along with innovations in security, intelligentpower management, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered automation andservice assurance, to deliver the performance, simplicity and reliability thatorganizations need to give users exceptional digital experiences.
The new wireless APs support the latest Wi-Fistandard and are the first to be Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) certified for the newWPA3 and Enhanced Open security standards to provide stronger encryption andsimpler IoT security configuration.
Aruba is also the first Wi-Fi vendor tointegrate Bluetooth5, the latest version of the Bluetooth wirelesscommunication standard, into its APs combined with an integrated Zigbeeradio. These new capabilities enable IoT use cases, such as smart door locksand electronic shelf labels, while Bluetooth5 delivers user-aware indoorlocation allowing IT to create personalized experiences.
In addition, Aruba is delivering industry-first powermanagement innovations allowing customers to preserve their existing PoE switchinvestments while significantly reducing AP power consumption duringoff-peakhours. These unique features include Intelligent Power Monitoring, acapability delivered by Aruba Operating System (AOS) 8, and NetInsight GreenAP, part of Aruba's AI-powered analytics and assurance solution.
Enabling the Experience Edge
Enterprises preparing for the future of work must offer engaging,consumer-like experiences and deliver technologies that enable, rather thanhinder, streamlined work execution, according to Gartner [1].
Kenneth Ma, director and general manager of Hong Kong andMacau, Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company said: "Organizationsare already experiencing crowded or overlapping coverage networks. The new802.11ax Wi-Fi standards solve these issues and improve overall transmissionefficiency, throughput as well as user experience. In verticals such ashospitality, retail, education, healthcare and large public venue,the upgrade provides better performance and enhanced Wi-Fi coexistence toaccommodate to different needs of different applications or devices- be itvoice, video, data or IOT".
The network at the edge is what connects people and IoT tothis digital world. To enable these new experiences, thetechnology must be able to deliver improved and consistent service toaddress growing business demands and heightened user expectations. This requiresnot only a state-of-the-art network, but also the abilityfor technology to proactively anticipate issues in an ever-changingenvironment before they impact users and the business.
To meet these new demands, Aruba isintroducing the following new products and innovations:
Leveraging Aruba's Rich Heritage to Bring Intelligence tothe Network
An effective AI solution requires expertise, clean data tofeed the algorithms that deliver network automation and assurance, andreal-world experiences to validate the solution's effectiveness. Aruba hasa unique advantage over many competitors, including 16 years of Wi-Fiexpertise, with learnings and best practices built into the AI algorithms fromthe largest edge networks in the world and from millions of installed APs todeliver secure, autonomous network operations.
The new 510 Series APs work in concert with Aruba NetInsightto proactively monitor the network, generating actionable insights andrecommendations based on peer comparisons and benchmarks, andapplying themto the network autonomously. This allows businesses todeliver the kind of improved performance and efficiency needed for today'shighly mobile and IoT-centricbusinesses, while continually improvingexperiences for their users and customers.
Built for IoT with Zigbee and Bluetooth 5 Integration
The Aruba 510 series is the industry's first set of 802.11axAPs with integrated support for Zigbee and Bluetooth 5, enabling Arubacustomers to support 74% of IoT devices. Having all three wireless technologiesavailable in a single APgives customers powerful, extensive connectivity. Inaddition, customers can significantly reduce both their capital and operationalexpenditures since the Aruba infrastructure with Zigbee integration eliminatesthe need to deploy and operate a separate network.
Smart Energy Management with Green AP and IntelligentPower Monitoring
As higher performance 802.11ax APshandle more devices and traffic, they will also consume more power.In addition, network architects generally design AP configurations for thehighest capacity scenarios, and these combined factors mean that manyorganizations are confronted with rising power costs.
Green AP, a new feature of NetInsight,allows technology organizations to intelligently manage APs to reducepower consumption by up to 72% dramatically lowering costs, while supportingsocial responsibility. Using Green AP, APs can be automatically turned on oroff based on utilization, resulting in significant energy costs savingsand creating an environmentally-friendly network.
Additionally, Aruba's Intelligent Power Monitoring(IPM) actively measures the power utilization of an AP and dynamicallyadapts to the available power resources. Technology organizations candefine and prioritize which capabilities to disable when an AP is operatingover its power budget. IPM will begin taking power reduction steps autonomouslyas defined by the priority definition until the AP is operating within thepower budget.
State-of-the-Art Security with WPA3 and Enhanced Open
Aruba is the first networking vendor to release productsthat have received WPA3 and Enhanced Open certifications from the Wi-FiAlliance. With support for WPA3 and Enhanced Open, Aruba's new suite of 11axAPs can deliver the security enterprises need as more users, devices and thingsjoin their networks.
WPA3 adds new features to simplify Wi-Fi security, enablemore robust authentication, and deliver increased strength for industrieswith highly sensitive data, such as government or finance. Wi-Fi EnhancedOpen complements the security WPA3 delivers by improving data privacy whilemaintaining ease-of-use in open public networks where user authentication isnotrequired, such as local coffee shops, airports and stadiums.
The Aruba 510 Series APs will be available in HK soon. TheAruba 2930M access switch is available now. The new version of NetInsight withGreen AP will be available in the first quarter of 2019.
Supporting Quotes
Home to the Carolina Panthers, Bank of America Stadium islocated in Charlotte, North Carolina and supports more than 75,000 fans.
"Our fans expect an outstanding connected stadiumexperience," said James Hammond, Director of Information Technology forthe Carolina Panthers. "In order to continue to deliver that experience,we need to prepare for the future demands on our network which is why we'reevaluating Aruba's .11ax APs to support new applications and greater IoT andmobile device density requirements."
CSPI is a Florida-based solutions provider helping customersmeet the performance, availability and security requirements of their network,applications and services.
"The real value in the Aruba 802.11ax solution is thatthe infrastructure is leveraged with automation and IoT in mind," saidPeter Kaufman, Vice President, Advanced Technologies, CSPi. "By usingNetInsight and new IoT protocols like Zigbee, our customers will be able tocreate the autonomous experiences they want while deliveringperformance-stringent applications and securely connecting IoT devices overWi-Fi with ease."
Zunesis is a Colorado-based IT Solution Provider and ValueAdded Reseller (VAR) that delivers end-to-end infrastructure solutions, ITbusiness solutions, and IT professional and consulting services in the WesternUnited States.
"Our customers are seeing a major increase in IoT usecases resulting in additional requirements for the network and IT," saidSteve Shaffer, Founder and CEO, Zunesis. "A significant benefit of theAruba 802.11ax solution is that it's built with integrated IoT connectivitycapabilities. Having one hardware platform with Aruba that supports Zigbee andBluetooth 5 will help eliminate the need for separate IoT networks, allowingorganization to get more out of their infrastructure investment while reducingIT overhead."
About Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company
Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, is a leadingprovider of next-generation networking solutions for enterprises of all sizesworldwide. The company delivers IT solutions that empower organizations toserve the latest generation of mobile-savvy users who rely on cloud-basedbusiness apps for every aspect of their work and personal lives.
To learn more, visit Aruba at https://www.arubanetworks.com . Forreal-time news updates follow Aruba on Twitterand Facebook , and for the latesttechnical discussions on mobility and Aruba products visit Airheads Socialat https://community.arubanetworks.com .
[1] Gartner, Cool Vendors inEmployee Engagement and Enablement in the Digital Workplace, September 2018,ID: G00355285