SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 13 November2018 - Ode to Art is delighted topresent the latest exhibition by internationally-acclaimed and highly-lauded Scottishartist, Ronnie Ford -- 'Capturing the Spirit'.
An art practitioner for over 50 years, RonnieFord still constantly strives to innovate and present his art in differentways. In his foreword for Capturing the Spirit, Ronnie says, "While always exploring my love of texture,I am striving to stretch the boundaries of my work technically...each pieceshould be like my finger prints -- unmistakeably mine but without a predictablerecipe."
In this latest exhibition, viewers will bedelighted to enjoy new presentations of Ford's works such as a series of Petit Trésor paintings measuring only 10by 10cm, new landscapes on 3-dimensional pyramid canvases, or works that can beviewed through 3d glasses for a truly immersive art-viewing experience.
The new collection of paintings reflects histravels, dreams and experiences over the past months -- the familiar landscapesof the France he loves, inspiration from the drama of Switzerland, all incelebration of the joyful colours of nature. If one ever makes the mistake ofdismissing landscape painting as monotonous and uninspiring, one only needs torefer to Ronnie's paintings to dispel such a misconception.
The pioneer of the "Texturescapes"method - a mesmerising three-dimensional sculpture and painting technique,Ford's highly textured works paired with vibrant and contrasting colours areincredibly evocative, reinventing idyllic and vivid landscapes from histravels. Ford captures the spirit of these wonderful landscapes on his canvas,taking his viewers on a journey across tapestries of lavender fields, autumngolds and enchanting meadows.
Ronnie Ford's awe-inspiring artworks have beenexhibited in many sold-out shows all over the world, including in Europe, HongKong, Singapore and the USA. This will be the artist's third solo exhibitionhere in Singapore, showcasing his latest collection of paintings. In Singapore,the artist's works are exclusively represented by Ode to Art gallery.
"One keypoint of Ronnie's style of painting is that he rarely paints on location, butchooses to "look, photograph and sketch"...before returning home to paint them indetail. As such, his paintings commemorate the authenticity and rawness of hismost instinctive responses to these landscapes." -- Jazz Chong, Ode to ArtGallery
CapturingThe Spirit by Ronnie Ford
Date:7th November -- 21st November 2018
Time:11.00am -- 9.00pm daily
Venue:Ode to Art Gallery
252 North Bridge Road
#01- 36E/F Raffles City Shopping Centre
Singapore 179103
More information about Ronnie Ford may be found here.
AboutOde to Art
Connoisseurs of the contemporary, Ode to Art,possess in their collection paintings, sculptures, photography, andinstallation works of both local and international acclaim. With Galleries inboth Singapore and Malaysia, their artist portfolio spans from Fernando Boteroto Mauro Peruccetti to Chen Wen Ling and Lim Tze Peng.
252 North Bridge Road, #01- 36E/F Raffles CityShopping Centre, Singapore 179103
T:+65 6250 1901 F: +65 6250 5354
W:www.odetoart.com E: info@odetoart.com