ZHUHAI, CHINA- Media OutReach - November 13, 2018 - United Engine Corporation (part of the Rostec StateCorporation) has presented its developments in the aircraft engine industry atthe Airshow China 2018 exhibition and has discussed the progress of joint projectswith Chinese partners.
Airshow China 2018 will be held fromNovember 6 to 11 in Zhuhai.
Visitorsof UEC's stand had a chance to learn about PD-14, the latest Russian developmentin the sphere of civil aviation designed for the MC-21 airliner, the AL-41F-1Sand RD-93 engines, used in fighter aircrafts, and the VK-2500PS enginemanufactured for civil helicopters. The stand also presented the latest modelsof aircraft engines, developed jointly with Central Institute of AviationMotors.
Duringthe exhibition talks with representatives of Chinese corporations AVIC, AECC,and COMAC were held.
"The People's Republic of Chinais a key foreign partner of the corporation," says Alexander Artyukhov, General Director of JSC UEC. "Today thecooperation of engine-building sectors of Russia and China is moving towards anew form, which supposes joint development of propulsion systems, as well asmodern technology and materials. In recent years we have been activelydeveloping the civil direction in this field of cooperation."
PD-14 is a base turbofan enginedeveloped by UEC for MC-21-300 airlinerusing new technologies and materials (including composite ones). PD-14 exceedsits foreign counterparts in the sustainability, the engine settings provide forthe reduction of specific fuel consumption in cruising mode by 10--15%. InOctober 2018 PD-14 was certified by the Federal Air Transport Agency.
VK-2500PS is an innovative version ofthe VK-2500 jet turboshaft engine. The VK-2500PS engine is manufactured withbetter performance specifications and with the use of modern digital electroniccontrol and monitoring system. The engine involves solutions to managelong-term performance in accordance with specific operating conditions. Thebasic application of VK-2500PS is the innovative civil helicopter Mi-171A2.
In2016 Aircraft Engine Corporation of China (AECC) was established in China,specializing in development, production, service, and repair of aircraftengines. Since then, AECC has been the key partner of UEC in China. The signing of a memorandum between UEC andAECC CAE in Beijing on cooperation in the development of turboshaft engine forthe Russian-Chinese promising wide-body long-haul airliner was a trulysignificant event that took place in September 2017.
UEC (United EngineCorporation, part of the Rostec State Corporation) is specializing in thedevelopment, serial production, service & support of engines for militaryand civil aviation, space programs and naval applications, as well for the oil& gas industry and power generation.