SEOUL, KOREA - Media OutReach -October 23, 2018 - Goldlinks issued the gold community digital currencywas officially traded on 17th October, the world's largest digital currencyexchange, Bit Forex. This forenoon, Goldlinks held listing commemoration andgold digital currency related press conference. Not only has the presence ofKorean political and financial celebrities, but also the well-known celebritiesof the royal family in the Middle East, the Asian financial experts, Asian bluechain technology experts and other distinguished guests from all around theworld. And this day Goldlinks has announced that they prepare to work withKorean companies, Asian business groups and financial institutions to promotethe establishment of the Asia Digital Currency Institute.
Goldlinks once issued GlobalGold Cash by issuing Global gold industry blue chain digital assets and tradingplatform ways. At the press conference, Ouyang Yun, CEO of the Goldlinksconsortium introduced the GGC and stated that 'GGC is a transparent, safe andtrustworthy asset as the physical gold'. The 100 digital currencies issued with100% physical gold as the basic assets are equivalent to 1g gold, thus providing a perfect and decentralizedbasic assets management system. In order to guarantee the safety andtransparency of GGC assets, third-party independent gold entrusted managementof the enterprise to manage equivalent basic assets, and in the third-partyeligible regulatory authority to comply with periodic reviews and strictreal-name authentication (KnowYourCustomer) procedures.
Because of its naturalscarcity and stability, gold is still the first choice in hedging assets, eventhe financial hedging means during the financial crisis and the ultimateinternational means of payment. GGC ensures the convenience and stability oftrading not only by inheriting gold's advantages of scarcity, restraininginflation and fluctuation of exchange rate to avoid risks, but also by adoptingthe unchangeability and operational characteristics of the distributedrecording of bule chain technology, which offer decent conditions for thecirculation of GGC.
According to Reuters CommunicationAgency's report, a Korean Corporation successfully withdrawed by paying GGC inthe KG standard entity gold cabinet of Brinks coffers in Hong Kong. GGC enablesall the processes from issuing and circulating to paying gold digital currencybecome possible, which implies a new reform of the standard model forinternational trading statements.
Today, the GGT(Global GoldToken) listed on the BitForex is capable to share values to all the members inGoldlinks' eco-community through taking advantages of the member ididentification in Goldlinks community as well as the recording, management anddistribution of utility token.
At the end of the meeting, togetherwith every Asian business group, Goldlinks launched the project of setting upAsia Digital Currency Institution(ADCI) and claimed that it would contribute its power to theactual utilization of digital currency in public departments as well as asiabusiness areas through the technical research of digital currency.