HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - October 8, 2018 - DAOstack's native tokenfor collective attention, GEN, will be listed on Liquid,(https://www.liquid.com/) the newly-launched cryptocurrency exchange by Quoine,starting October 9th, 12:00 JST. GEN-ETH, GEN-BTC, and GEN-QASH tradingpairs will be available to start, with GEN-fiat trading pairs available in thenear future.
DAOstack is designed to be a kind of Wordpressfor decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), a new type of Web3-nativeorganization that allows like-minded communities to act on shared goals orvalues without depending on concentrated power centers. The GEN token will soonlink a network of DAOs built for a variety of purposes on the DAOstackplatform. DAOs using the GEN prediction network will be able to effectivelyfilter proposals by their predicted chance of passing. This allows DAOs toremain values-aligned and efficient while scaling to potentially any size. GENlets individuals both inside and outside the DAO lend their expert attention inexchange for a chance to profit and be rewarded for correct predictions.
GEN-based prediction is native within Alchemy,DAOstack's first application for decentralized governance, whose Alpha releaseis currently live on the Ethereum mainnet. With a full release targeted for2019, Alchemy will make it simple for DAOs of unlimited size to smartlyallocate resources and voting power. A community of predictors is alreadyactive and growing, and its increasing size, expertise, and network effect willbenefit all DAOs using Alchemy. Since predictors must hold GEN to stake onproposals, they have an additional incentive to help all GEN-connected DAOsachieve their goals.
DAOstack's strategy for GEN includes many ofthe features that made Ethereum successful. For one, DAOstack is stimulatingproduct and community development by channeling funds from its token salethrough the Genesis DAO, the first DAO deployed using the DAOstack platform,created as a proof of concept and an open-source foundation for DAOdevelopment. Also, like Ether, GEN has a highly generalizable utility, as MatanField, DAOstack architect and CEO, has pointed out: "In the same way that etheris gas for the collective attention of computers, the GEN token is gas for thecollective attention of human beings."
With GEN's listing on Liquid, DAOstack isexcited to be taking the next step toward an open, growing ecosystem ofdecentralized organizations.
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ABOUT Quoine
Quoine is a leading global fintechcompany that provides trading, exchange, and next generation financial servicespowered by blockchain technology. With offices in Japan, Singapore and Vietnam,Quoine combines a strong network of local partners with extensive teamexperience in banking and financial products to deliver best in class financialservices for its customers. More information is available at www.quoine.com
In September 2017, QuoineCorporation became the first global cryptocurrency exchange to be officiallylicensed by the Japan Financial Services Agency.
In September 2018, the two exchangesowned by Quoine, Quoinex and Qryptos, were merged and relaunched as Liquid.Liquid will be powered by Quoine's World Book, which provides customersenhanced price matching and deeper liquidity for various fiat andcryptocurrency pairs. More information can be found at: https://liquid.com