Das33 ProvidesA More Secure Alternative to Existing ICOs
LONDON, UK - Media OutReach - October 01, 2018 - Das33, a revolutionarycrowdsourcing platform, has launched within the Das ecosystem, an alliance ofcompanies built around DasCoin, the Currency of Trust. The launch follows a specialevent last week hosted by Das33 at the United Nations in New York atwhich the new crowdsourcing platform was unveiled to leading blockchain andsustainability experts.
Das33 allows independentlyvetted businesses to issue their own tokens on the DasCoin blockchain, and canbe funded with DasCoin (DASC) or Bitcoin (BTC) via a DasWallet account -- an easy to setup and secure wallet that requires KYC (Know Your Client) validation. In theDas33 section of the DasWallet, an overview of all current Das33 projects isavailable.
DasCoin CEO, MichaelMathias, said: "Das33has made history by becoming a unique crowdsourcing solution which offers ahigh level of security and governance over every business venture that seekscrowdsourcing. Das33 also draws on the phenomenal support from our communitythrough our super-efficient blockchain."
The Das33 world premiere comesat a time when many of the more traditional ICO platforms are losing tractionwith the public.
The Das33 platformaddresses this issue through a governance model which ensures that everyapplication is assessed by seasoned business professionals. An independent assessmentcommittee is tasked with making sure that only projects with the most potentialare approved for crowdsourcing.
Named after the 33 nodeson which the DasCoin blockchain is constructed, Das33 allows its users tosubmit their own projects, promote them, and fund their development, whileanyone from the DasCoin community can easily support one of the currentlyongoing projects and help bring them from initial idea to reality.
The goal is to create a"do-it-together" approach to development by tapping into the wisdom of thecommunity and having members fund the projects they want to see developed. The more convincing a project appears to be,the more funding that project is likely to receive.
When pledging funds toindividual projects, participants receive a 'premium token' which yieldsrewards upon the business achieving specific pre-determined targets. The tokenscan also be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges.
The point of entry intothe secure DasCoin network. Each DasWallet account links the users to their walletand is also used to store and validate personal KYC.
DasCoin is anextremely efficient way to store and exchange value and is the next step in theevolution of money.
DasCoin is theblockchain-based currency at the center of an innovative digital asset systemthat seeks to optimize the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses of existingcurrency systems. It is fast, efficient, balanced, secure andscalable.
DasCoin is focused oncreating a digital currency that delivers superior performance throughgreater operational efficiency, increased transaction capacity, widerdistribution, better governance and greater regulatory compliance. Protected byindustry leading security protocols and a technologically superior blockchain,DasCoin is a pioneer in the sector with the goal of becoming the world'sfirst mainstream digital currency.
The DasCoin codebase canbe viewed on GitHub and visit DasCoin Explorer to see blocksbuilt in real time