HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - October 5, 2018 - R ONE Space (Royal One Co-working Space Company Limited), a ground-breaking co-working space brand in Hong Kong,officially opened its first office space in Causeway Bay. With the iconicVictoria Harbour as its backdrop, the centre aims to attract internationalcompanies that are opening branches or temporary project teams in Hong Kong. R ONE Space targets start-ups in newtechnology or creative media sectors, with freeman seat's monthly rent startingfrom HKD5,500 or chamber office from HKD9,000 per seat. The brand plans toexpand its network to 4 offices in Hong Kong by the end of 2018, to provide amore comprehensive option to the co-working space scene. Mr. Chan Yan Tak, R ONE SpaceFounder & Chairman, and the renowned actor Mr.Miu Kiu Wai Michael officiated theOpening Ceremony today. Mr. Chan also holds the positionsof Chairman and CEO of ShuntenInternational (Holdings) Limited (HKEx: 932, formerly known as RM GroupHoldings Limited).
The Causeway Bay centre takes up agross floor area of approximately 16,000 sq. ft. and currently offers up to 210seats. The space comes with 32 chamber offices, which can be divided andrepurposed according to customers' requirement, with flexible lease period asshort as 1 month. Conveniently located in the heart of Causeway Bay with astunning view, the centre also offers a corporateevent venue that rivals hotel event spaces, which has a capacity of over 100 peopleand is a great tool to enhance tenants' brand image.
The brand's second co-workingspace, located in Kwun Tong, will soon open its doors in November. Thethree-storey shared space aims to provide a one-stop creative technologyplatform for young entrepreneurs. With a gross floor area of approximately26,000 sq. ft., the Kwun Tong centre is expected to provide 94 chamber officesor 470 seats. To echo its theme as a creative hub, the centre will be equippedwith a 3D printer to enhance creativity and aid tenants in design, jewelry andengineering industries.
RONE Space provides"butler services" for its tenants, including professional assistance such asaccounting service, legal advice and advertising strategies. On siteconsultants will provide professional and complimentary assistance to tenantsto help resolve their questions on business. Inaddition, R ONE Space has set up anangel fund designed to invest in innovative ideas and cutting-edgetechnologies. It also plans to collaborate with universities to organizeentrepreneurial competitions and provide a practical venue to nurture youngentrepreneurs, hence help promote the development of innovative technologies inHong Kong.
Mr.Chan Yan Tak, R ONE Space Founder & Chairman, said "The number of start-ups andlocal branches of international enterprises in Hong Kong is increasing everyyear, which results in a strong demand for quality and flexible office spaces.The presence of co-working spaces not only reduces the threshold of officeset-up, but also provides diversified value-added services. The co-workingspace market is believed to grow steadily in the long term. In stage 1 of our expansion plan, the investment amount is at least HKD200 million, and the rental rateis targeted to reach 50% in the first three months. As long as the brand getsmature, it would enter mainland market in stage 2."
About R ONE Space
RONE Space is a ground-breaking co-working space brand in Hong Kong. TheGroup's first two centres, located in Causeway Bay and Kwun Tong -- two ofthe major Grade-A office districts, opened their doors in Oct 2018. The Groupaims to provide "butler services" for its tenants, including professionalassistance such as accounting service, legal advice and advertising strategies,with a reciprocal ecosystem and shared business opportunities. The Group plansto expand its network to 4 offices in Hong Kong by the end of 2018, to providea more comprehensive option to the co-working space scene.
Withthe iconic Victoria Harbour as its backdrop, R ONE Space in CausewayBay offers a corporate event venue that rivals hotel event spaces. The venuehas a capacity of over 100 people and is a great tool to enhance tenants' brandimage. R ONE Space in Kwun Tong, located in the creative and culturalhub in East Kowloon, provides a one-stop creative technology platform for youngentrepreneurs.