LONDON, UK - Media OutReach - September 27th, 2018 - Greenstorc Ltd., with its disruptiveheat-to-power and enhanced shallow geothermal systems, raised €1.5m in thefirst round on the Das33 crowdsourcing platform in just 60 hours.
Greenstorc's mission is to bringclean, affordable, 24-hour energy to all - with a special focus on communities which have never beforehad access to electricity. Since its foundation in 2017, Greenstorc hasassembled a team of world-class clean energy experts including respected Germanheat engineer and company chairman JohannesBergsch whose proprietary thermal energyrecovery technology is breaking new ground.
"We're delighted to be chosen as the first project to launch on the new Das33 platform.This innovative funding method will enable us to gather resources withoutdiluting our shareholding or incurring significant debt. We're confident that Das33 will allow usto take our evolution to the next level," saidGreenstorc Ltd. CEO, Paul Flynn. "Das33 is unique as it already benefitsfrom a highly motivated and engaged community of over 125,000 DasCoin holderswho have been given first priority in the initial round."
DasCoin CEO Michael Mathias added: "It has been a great privilege towelcome Greenstorc as the first company onto the unique Das33 crowdsourcingplatform. Greenstorc is anexciting business with tremendous growth potential, and we are honored to helpthem reach their goals and at the same time build value for our Das communitywith this unique approach to crowdsourcing."
All current and future Das33 rounds require participants to exchangeDasCoin or Bitcoin held in their DasWallet accounts for 'premium tokens' --smart contracts in which a pre-determined premium will be transferredupon the company achieving its stated performance milestones, also known as 'keyperformance indicators' (KPIs).
About Greenstorc Ltd: Greenstorc is a disruptive heat-to-power company offering green sustainable technologies where they areneeded most. Greenstorc specialises in creating green power from a range ofheat sources. Applications are particularly suited to shallow geothermal,Concentrated Solar Thermal (CST), Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and biomass/gasplants. Refinements to Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology mean zeroemissions power can be created at all times without the use of batteries.
Headquartered in the United Kingdom, the company is a SocialImpact Organisation (SIO) dedicated to bringingclean, affordable, continuous energy to a range of poor,remote global communities.Greenstorc itself is becoming a global community with the highest standards ofintegrity, service and commitment to a fair deal. It believes in power beingmade where it is used, where this is possible. It seeks to eliminate waste,recycle resources and work towards eliminating global carbon emissions.
About DasCoin: DasCoin is a better way tostore and exchange value and is the next step in the evolution of money.
DasCoin is the blockchain-basedcurrency at the center of an innovative digital asset system that seeks tooptimize the strengths and eliminate the weaknesses of existing currencysystems. It is fast, efficient, balanced, secure and scalable.
DasCoinis focused on creating a digital currency that delivers superiorperformance through greater operational efficiency, increased transactioncapacity, wider distribution, better governance and greater regulatorycompliance. Protected by industry leading security protocols and a permissionedblockchain, DasCoin is a pioneer in the sector with the goal ofbecoming the world's first mainstream digital currency.
The DasCoin codebase can be viewedon GitHub andvisit DasCoinExplorer to see blocks built in real time