SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 6September 2018 - YakultSingapore, partnered up with ADK Singapore to introduce Joseph Schooling in itsBillions Strong campaign, offering a rare glimpse ofSchooling's rigorous journey before he emerged under the spotlight.
Thebrand is a strong supporter of the Schooling family since the earlier days, aswell as Singapore Swimming Association. According to Joseph Schooling's mother,May Schooling, her family has been engaging Yakult home delivery service sinceJoseph was a little boy. He still takes Yakult today as part of his daily regimento help maintain a healthy digestive system.
LikeJoseph Schooling, most children grew up with Yakult and is valued by parentsfor its health benefits. The nation's most trusted probiotic drink has been afavourite family staple in Singapore homes since it was introduced in 1979.
Commentingon the partnership between Yakult and Schooling, Mr Kiyotaka Sakurai, Managing Director of Yakult Singapore, said, "Josephis a talented, hardworking, and remarkable athlete. I believe nothing isgreater than the support of his family and the people around him. In regards tothat, we're very honoured that Yakult has always been there for him, to be partof his journey. Likewise, we're also very grateful to support intestinal healthfor everyone."
Speakingmore about the campaign, Ronald Wong,Executive Creative Director of ADK Singapore, added, "Champions are notmade overnight; like us, they have their ups and downs. Joseph's journey hasnever been easy, but the one thing that always come through is the supportsystem he has, which never failed him." AliciaGoh and Fong Wei Kit, the senior creative duo behind the work, also weighedin, "We hope Joseph's narrative can inspire many more Singaporeans to achievegreat things for themselves."
Freshfrom Joseph Schooling's triumphant performance at the 18th Asian Games, the Billions Strong campaign pays homage tothe little things that made his dreams possible, and was made more special withthe appearance of Colin and May Schooling -- Joseph's constant pillar of support.
About The Campaign:
Thecampaign will be launched on 6 September with a film that will air on Channel5, Channel 8, Channel U as well as on YouTube and Facebook. The Billions Strong campaign will also besupported with press, social, and in-store marketing.
About JosephSchooling:
Joseph Schooling is Singapore national swimmer who famouslybeat Michael Phelps at the 2016 Rio Olympics in the 100m butterfly race tobecome Singapore's first Olympic Gold Medalist. He recently clinched 2 individualgold medals, and 2 relay bronze medals at the 18th Asian Games.
About Yakult:
Yakult is the No. 1selling premium cultured milk drink in Singapore. This year, Yakult is celebrating 40years of supporting Singaporeans with their intestinal health through itsunique probiotics, L. casei strainShirota. As Yakult is produced locally, its customers can be assured of thehighest quality and freshness. Yakult had recently upgraded its factory andexpanded production capacity to support the growing demand for healthyprobiotic drinks in Singapore.
About ADK:
ADKSingapore Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of ADK Inc, Japan's 3rd largestadvertising agency. ADK Singapore hasbeen in the local market since 1991 and was responsible for some key publiccampaigns including the Workfare and WorkRight campaigns for the Ministry ofManpower (MOM), "Fight Dengue" campaign for the National Environment Agency(NEA) and the "Take
TheFirst Step" campaign for the Ministry of Communications Information (MCI), toname a few.