Global Study Reveals Benefits Transcend Productivity, but OrganizationsMust Prepare for Data Security Risks
HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 5 September2018 - Employees who work in digital workplaces are not only moreproductive but also more motivated, have higher job satisfaction, and report anoverall better sense of well-being, according to a new global study from Aruba,a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company.
The study, Digital Revolutionaries Unlock the Potentialof the Digital Workplace, reveals both the business and humanbenefits of more digitally-driven workplaces, and how companies that are lesstechnologically advanced are at risk of falling behind the competition and notattracting top talent. It also notes that companies must be vigilant as moredigital-savvy employees are taking greater risks with data and informationsecurity.
Key Themes and Findings
The study of 7,000 employees across 15 countries revealed a clear chasmin employee performance and sentiment between more advanced digital workplacesand those that employ digital technology to a lesser degree. A number of keythemes emerged:
"No matter the industry, we're seeing a move toward human-centricplaces as enterprises strive to meet rapidly changing expectations of howpeople want to work," Joseph White, Director of Workplace Strategy, Designand Management, Herman Miller. "This depends upon combining advances intechnology -- which includes furnishings -- with the cognitive sciences to helppeople engage with work in new ways. This will not only mean singular, premiumexperiences for individuals, but also the opportunity for organizations to attractand retain the best talent."
"The very nature of the term "workplace" is beingtransformed, as companies begin to realise that effective space isexperience-centric, and must accommodate work styles spanning generations andpersonality types," said Francisco Acoba, Managing Director for DeloitteStrategy & Operations. "This ushers in new processes where ITsolutions, building systems and furnishings interact harmoniously with humansto create such spaces. Regardless of your enterprise's specific situation, whenspaces become active participants in the user experience it benefits the bottomline. After all, workers who feel comfortable in a space get their tasks done.Those who don't will eventually move on to a more inviting option."
Emerging risks
The study also found that employees are enthusiastic about newtechnology and have a desire for their employers to provide more. ThroughoutAsia Pacific, almost all respondents (98%) thought their workplace would beimproved through greater use of technology, while 70% said their company willfall behind the competition if new technology isn't implemented. The sameportion (67%) believe the traditional office will become obsolete due toadvances in technology.
While the benefits of digital workplaces are wide-ranging, the studyalso revealed that cybersecurity is a challenge for employers.
The Road Forward
These findings indicate that companies must adapt to leverage thebenefits of new digital workplace technology while simultaneously minimizingsecurity risks. Aruba recommends that organizations take the following actions:
"The consumerization of the workplace is a very real movement.Employees are consumers and we bring consumer expectations with us towork," said Janice Le, Chief Marketer for Aruba, a Hewlett PackardEnterprise company. "The workplace is getting smarter and therefore,employees are working smarter."
A new paradigm has started to emerge where smart buildingtechnologies are intersecting with the digital workplace to form the SmartDigital Workplace. This is where human-centered design meets IoT andbuilding automation. The Smart Digital Workplace can enablepersonalized experiences such as connected furniture and smart lighting thatadapts to the user. Buildings can go greener by dynamically optimizing energy utilizationbased on employee patterns. These new use cases not only foster employeeproductivity but also improve efficiency while putting people at the center.
Le concluded, "This global study indicates that choice,personalization, ease and automation are improving the top line and the bottomline for organizations who are defining the future of work. Our own place ofwork is a living lab for the Smart Digital Workplace and we are seeing resultssuch as faster hiring and higher offer acceptances. The benefits are tangibleand go beyond productivity."
To Read the Full report, visit: https://www.arubanetworks.com/worksmart
Research methodology
A total of 7,000 employees were interviewed in April and May 2018. Therespondents were from organizations of all sizes, across both public andprivate sectors, with a focus on the industrial, government, retail,healthcare, education, finance, and IT/ technology/ telecommunications sectors.Interviews were conducted both online and via telephone using a rigorousmulti-level screening process to ensure that only suitable candidates weregiven the opportunity to participate. Respondents were interviewed in theUnited Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Spain, United Arab Emirates,the United States, Singapore, Japan, Australia, India, Brazil, Mexico, Chinaand South Korea.
About Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company
Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, is a leading provider ofnext-generation networking solutions for enterprises of all sizes worldwide.The company delivers IT solutions that empower organizations to serve thelatest generation of mobile-savvy users who rely on cloud-based business appsfor every aspect of their work and personal lives.
To learn more, visit Aruba at https://www.arubanetworks.com.For real-time news updates follow Aruba on Twitter and Facebook,and for the latest technical discussions on mobility and Aruba products visitAirheads Social at https://community.arubanetworks.com/