HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - September 4, 2018 - Club Med, the Premium All-Inclusive operator and global ski holiday leader hasunveiled Asia Pacific's first snow holiday* report, identifying key insightsand influences that drive snow holidays across 11 markets with 5,500respondents from China to Australia. With the support of independent marketresearch specialist, Insightzclub, the 2018 report for Asia Pacific maps out adiverse, sophisticated and affluent market of travellers who are becoming avidsnow hunters.
*Snow holidays are defined in the scope of the surveyas a trip of at least 2 nights to a snowmountain destination of which ski or snowboard and other activities may be apart of.
Key Findings
Xavier Desaulles, CEO of Club Med, East and South Asia & Pacific said:"This research is a timely insight into the mind of today's Asia Pacificconsumers who enjoy a snow holiday. The market is evolving rapidly in line withAsia's growing affluence and interest can only grow fuelled by back-to-backWinter Olympics in PyeongChang and Beijing.
"This survey is an essential new tool that will allow us to inform andservice our clients and regional partners as we understand how their habits andneeds are developing and as we open new mountain resorts regionally and globally,"he added.
Millennials Lead Rapidly Growing Market
The snow holiday market has seen rapid growth in Asia Pacific in the lastthree years with an estimated universe of 238 million travellers including 138million alone in the last 12 months. The numbers correlate with the region'sgrowing affluence and desire to explore the world in a more experiential anddifferent way whether with family or friends.
Not surprisingly, China is the largest market of snow enthusiastsfollowed by India and Japan. However, markets with little or no snow such asHong Kong SAR, Singapore and Indonesia are showing strong growth albeit from asmaller base as they seek more experience-based holidays, and fresh, clean air.
While the average age of the snow holidaymaker is 38 years old, countrieswith large millennial populations such as China, Malaysia, Indonesia and India area younger average age of 34 years old. Japan is the oldest average age of 45 inline with its national demographic.
Currently snow holidays, remain the preserve of the new affluent classand above. 85% of Asian snow holiday goers enjoy a household income of USD 4,000or more -- significantly higher than the comparable general Asia Pacificpopulation at 33%.
Women Lead
Snow holidays are traditionally male dominated but some markets point toa strong female bias and growing interest in outdoor snow adventures beyondskiing and snowboarding. Hong Kong SAR (57%), Singapore (56%), Malaysia (58%)and Australia (54%) led the ranking bias towards more female snowholidaymakers. Japan (83%) and India (70%) were clear male strongholds.
More than Skiing
Unlike in North America and Europe markets which are very ski andsnowboard centric, Asia Pacific travellers are looking for a much more diverse snowexperience, sometimes with no ski/snowboard practice at all.
With food at the heart of many Asian cultures, it is not a surprise tosee eating local delicacies (53%) top the list, followed by spending time with familyand friends (51%) and other mountain fun activities (50%) rounding off the topthree. Local attractions (47%) and contact with nature (47%) are also popular considerations.Spa makes into the top 10 activities for a well-rounded holiday with resorts expected to be well-equipped with access toall the necessary facilities.
Significantly, 29% also cited doing nothing as a reason to go to amountain destination indicating a desire to just get away from it all and enjoytheir environment.
In Love with Japan, Korea & Switzerland
Nine out of 11 markets reported Japan as their top choice for a snowholiday in the region. Famed for its scenery, abundance of activities, powdersnow and cuisine, snow lovers flocked to Hokkaido within Japan.
Behind Hokkaido, resorts in South Korea were attractive across Asianmarkets, ranking second while the nascent Chinese snow holiday scene came in astrong fourth. With the conclusion of the Winter Olympics, PyeongChang in SouthKorea in 2018 and the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022, interest in both thesedestinations continues to be fuelled.
The surprise came from Switzerland, ranking third regionally and firstamongst long haul destinations.
For Indian snow enthusiasts, Switzerland was the most popular destination,partly fuelled by the prominence of the country in its Bollywood movie scene. StMoritz in Switzerland was the top long haul destination for Asians looking fora snow getaway.
On average, 78% of Asia-Pacific stayed longer than four nights and 50%spent at least US$300 per day per person.
In Asia Pacific, hotels and resorts were the overwhelming accommodationof choice with 90% selecting this option. High income Asian travellers are alsoplacing a higher premium on comfort and convenience when they travel on a snowholiday.
In the last 12 months, Club Med was a clear market leader when it comesto snow holidays (number 1 hotel brand) in Hong Kong SAR, Singapore andIndonesia amongst the high income group. With 70,000 Asia Pacific clients travellingto its mountain resorts worldwide in 2018, growing by 60% compared to lastyear, Club Med is getting close to leadership position in all Asia Pacific markets.
NotJust for Winter
Interest in the mountains and snow holidays extends beyond the winterseason with an incredible eight ofevery 10 respondents in the survey citing intent to go on a mountain holiday insummer within the next two years.
Club Med Builds Regional & Global Ski Resort Leadership
With 21 ski resorts in 5 countries, Club Medis expanding its leadership of the mountains with ambitious growth plans tocater to global and regional demand for snow holidays and new mountainadventures.
Following the opening of Club Med Tomamu in Hokkaido in December 2017alongside Club Med Sahoro situated on a former Olympic site, Club Med isgrowing its resort portfolio in Asia Pacific in the next three years. It willopen in PyeongChang, South Korea and Thaiwoo in China, 2 Olympic sites from the2018 and 2022 Winter Olympics.
In Europe, Club Med has17 snow resorts including one nestled on the globally-renownedand Asia's favourite slopes of St Moritz. Club Med plans to open one new mountainresort in the Alps every year. It will also be back in North America with the openingof a resort in Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada in 2020-21.
The research for the first Club Med Asia Pacific Snow Holiday Report wasconducted by Insightzclub in March 2018 among 5,500 respondents in 11 countriesof Asia Pacific.
Club Med isthe worldwide leader in upscale Premium All-Inclusive holidays. Guests have thefreedom to enjoy the wide variety of services and activities that our Resortsoffer, be it on their own or with others. The extraordinary Club Med experienceincludes accommodation with refined comfort, all gourmet meals, all-day bar andsnacking, ski passes and snow sports with lessons, night entertainment andparties, as well as children's clubs for all ages. Guests get to enjoy truequality time with their loved ones knowing that everything is safe and takencare of. Club Med offers them the chance to discover amazing moments together,as well as become amazing themselves.
With around70 resorts located all over the world, 21 being ski resorts, vacationers maylook forward to spending a truly amazing holiday at exotic locations!