HONG KONG, CHINA- Media OutReach - 6 September 2018 - The Belt and RoadSummit was held in Hong Kong on June 28, whose participants include emissariesand government officials. Pioneer of Ginseng healthcare companies, DragonGinseng International Group also joined the summit to explore investmentopportunities in different countries. Chairman, and founder of World GinsengAssociation, Hsieh Lung Fei ledthe industry to promote the values of ginseng in the Summit, bringing theginseng healthcare industry to countries of Belt and Road.
Making qualityginseng products -- His lifelong mission
Chairmanof Dragon Ginseng International Group -- Hsieh Lung Fei has been devoting himselfinto promoting ginseng for the past years. Born in a family of Chinese medicinepractitioner, He has followed his father's footstep since his childhood,building his rich knowledge and expertise in Chinese medicine, especiallyGinseng.
Managed by theChairman Hsieh, the ginseng products of Dragon Ginseng are produced at a highquality. He chooses to set up ginseng farm on Changbai Mountain, "the hometownof ginseng", to cultivate the ginseng for six years. Its ginseng products areextracted in a low temperature environment at 28 Degree Celsius to make sureDragon Ginseng is more gentle formost customers, which is a scientific breakthrough in ginseng industry.
Dragon Ginseng expands quickly
With the highquality ginseng products, Dragon Ginseng's Career map has expanded to theUnited States, Japan, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Macauand Taiwan. In Hong Kong, Dragon Ginseng is also well received by customers,with its products being listed in close to 40 pharmacies and one duty-freestore that mainly serves mainland tourists.
Pharmaciesstore photos
Establishing World Ginseng Association, makes Universal Health cometrue
Not only promoting ginseng through his ownbrand, but Chairman Hsieh alsosetting up World Ginseng Association, aims to bring ginseng industry to globe.
Hoping to lead theginseng industry to a global level, Chairman Hsieh devotes himself to theindustry, links up every regions and builds up a concrete foundation for the industry.
Coordinating resources from the Belt and Road's regions and countries, WorldGinseng Association aims to provide training, invest in different regions andcontribute its earnings and taxes. Ginseng industry can be then benefited bythis closely linked business chain and steps into the global world.
Photo from World GinsengAssociation ceremony
Artisan of ginsengwith the original intent being kept as still
ChairmanHsieh's original intention of promoting ginseng has not changed for tens ofyears, fulfilling in many different sectors. As a "ginseng artisan", Hsieh andDragon Ginseng have been insisting on the quality production mission, realizingscientific ginseng products, being an expertise in the industry.
Flagship store of Dragon Ginseng is located in510, Nathan Apartment, Nathan Road in Yau Ma Tei. Dragon Ginseng has built up ahistorical reputation for its ginseng products, accumulating loyal customersrange from 30- to 70- year-old. Well-received products include Dragon GinsengPowder, Dragon Ginseng capsules and Dragon Ginseng sapon, which are suitablefor self-use or gifting.