Việt Nam theatre artists climb on the online bandwagon

June 11, 2022 - 08:25


Artists and theatre owners have recognised that digital transformation is a new trend, as well as an opportunity to maintain and develop cultural and artistic activities. — Photo 

HCM CITY — The growing trend of broadcasting cultural and art performances on digital platforms has pushed theatre artists to adapt to this new channel.

For two consecutive years marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, theatre leaders had to work hard and find a way for artists to maintain interactions with audiences.

They created a Vietnamese performing arts channel on YouTube and Facebook to broadcast a number of professional fine arts performances. 

After the pandemic was brought under control in Việt Nam, many theatres have gradually returned to live performances. 

However, many cultural and art performances continue to be released on digital platforms. Theater owners and artists have recognised that digital transformation is a new trend as well as an oppotunity to maintain and develop their art. 

People's Artist Việt Anh said that in order to attract viewers, drama productions and artists’ performances needs to be "re-designed" to suit digital platforms.

He is one of several people who are training fellow artists to create works of art that are suitable for digital platforms

Meritorious Artist Xuân Bắc, Director of the Vietnam Drama Theatre, said: “Building an online theatre on television and social networks is an inevitable trend for performing arts.”

According to many artists, online theatres can create equal opportunities or all audiences to enjoy performances, especially those in remote, border and island areas. In that sense, they are an egalitarian project based on the premise that everyone is equal and has the right to enjoy and appreciate art.

When the pandemic hit the country in early 2020, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism initiated plans to organise art events virtually. This project has been launched officially.

Heavily affected by the pandemic, most theatres and stages have been operating without any revenue. The theaters’ management boards have struggled to cover essential overheads while trying to find new solutions for their artists to perform.

Online platforms can help both artists and audiences get up-to-date information about professional art competitions and festivals.

The online stage is emerging as a new channel to evaluate the talents of creative and performing artists objectively and transparently, based on the number of followers and the direct feedback of critics and audiences.

It will be also an official channel to introduce, exchange and integrate the Vietnamese stage with global counterparts in the fastest, most economical way. 

Last year, many kinds of art forms including chèoci lương, puppetry, circus, contemporary art, were broadcast live on Vietnam Television, Vietnam News Agency Television, VOV Television, and some local radio and television channels with the aim of staying connected with the audience during the time of isolation imposed by the pandemic. — VNS 

