Oil-gas cooperation key to Việt Nam– Russia ties: officials

Deputy Prime Minister Trịnh Đình Dũng and his Russian counterpart Maxim Akimov agreed that oil and gas cooperation bears strategic significance to Việt Nam – Russia relations at their meeting on Thursday on the sidelines of the ongoing 5th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF). 

VPBank targets 50 million treasury stocks

The Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank (VPBank) in the fourth quarter will buy back 50 million shares, equal to 2 per cent of its total outstanding shares.

Businesses must learn to handle trade defence measures

As Việt Nam joins more international trade agreements, dealing with and overcoming trade defence measures has become a top priority for Vietnamese businesses, especially for those working with markets known for their numerous and robust defence instruments such as the US and the EU.

Việt Nam faces difficulties in rice exports

Việt Nam will face difficulties in exporting rice in the short term due to obstacles in most major markets, such as China and the Philippines, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD).


Steel exports throughout the country rise

Steel has been in the list of billion-export products as its total export turnover in the first seven months of the year reached US$1.93 billion, posting 14.7 per cent year-on-year increase.

Digital economy for an inclusive ASEAN Community

Digital for development is more critical than digital development. It is high time for ASEAN countries to cooperate to address the digital gap within a country and between countries to ensure an inclusive Digital ASEAN by 2040

