Transport ministry demands inspection into surge in flight ticket prices during recent holidays

May 03, 2024 - 15:29
Minister Thắng said the recent surge in domestic airline ticket prices has directly impacted the travel demand of citizens, especially during peak periods such as the recent five-day April 30 - May 1 holiday.
Passengers at Nội Bài Airport in Hà Nội for the Reunification Day (April 30) - Labour Day (May 1) holiday. — VNA/VNS Photo Huy Hùng

HÀ NỘI — Minister of Transport Nguyễn Văn Thắng on Friday requested the Civil Aviation Authority (CAAV) conduct a thorough review and immediate inspection into flight ticket sales amid reports of high prices affecting travel demands.

The activities under examination include the implementation of declaration, pricing, transparency and disclosure of information regarding airfares, according to the document that the transport chief signed.

Minister Thắng said the recent surge in domestic airline ticket prices has directly impacted the travel demand of citizens, especially during peak periods such as the recent five-day April 30 - May 1 holiday.

The inspections aim to strengthen State management, closely manage airfares, contribute to stabilisation of prices and ensure the harmony between economic and social development objectives in accordance the Government's orientations.

Air authorities must promptly give directions, rectify and handle violations if any abnormality is found, as well as make sure that airfare do not increase beyond regulations.

The Department of Transportation proactively monitors, timely advises the Ministry to direct agencies, units to strengthen inspection of transportation activities, serve passengers, and implement the best solutions to meet the travel needs of citizens, stabilise ticket prices, prevent unauthorised price increases, especially during the upcoming peak summer season, on the principle of harmonising the interests of businesses and the needs of citizens.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Việt Nam, the Department of Transportation are requested to report to the Ministry of Transport on the results before May 10.

Airports under the management of the CAAV said they welcomed nearly 1.8 million passengers, including 667,631 international visitors (up 31.16 per cent compared to 2023) during the recent holiday.

A total of 11,039 landings and take-offs were recorded – with international operations reaching 4,118, up 17.19 per cent year on year.

"Level 1 security measures were applied at the two largest airports in the country, Nội Bài (Hà Nội) and Tân Sơn Nhất (HCM City), ensuring absolute security, safety and service quality for passengers," stated CAAV leadership.

A number of airports have successfully conducted trials of automatic toll collection systems, enabling vehicles with ETC cards to quickly pass through; combined with enhanced security measures, closely coordinated with functional forces operating at airports; traffic regulation, guidance and lane assignment were smooth, creating a spacious movement environment, minimising local congestion at terminals.

Also according to CAAV, nearly 7,000 officers, engineers, workers, along with thousands of equipment and machinery, were busy working at the construction site of the new Terminal 3 for Tân Sơn Nhất International Airport and the Long Thành International Airport throughout the holidays to ensure projects are completed on schedule. — VNS
