Bắc Giang urged to pursue intensive growth model

June 08, 2020 - 07:52
Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc on Saturday asked the northern province of Bắc Giang to pursue an intensive growth model and optimise its advantages in geographical location, culture and human resources to develop sustainably.


Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc talks with local farmers during a visit to an orchard named after late President Hồ Chí Minh in Lục Ngạn District, Bắc Giang Province on Saturday. — VNA/VNS Photo 

HÀ NỘI — Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc on Saturday asked the northern province of Bắc Giang to pursue an intensive growth model and optimise its advantages in geographical location, culture and human resources to develop sustainably.

Speaking at a working session with the provincial leaders, the PM praised Bắc Giang’s performance in economic growth, per capita income, budget collection, investment attraction, new-style rural area building, education, combating smuggling, and national defence and security.

Despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the province still grew 7.4 per cent in the first quarter of this year, which reflects great efforts and high determination of local authorities and the people, he stressed, urging Bắc Giang to complete the dual goals of boosting production and containing the pandemic. He added the province needs to further remove difficulties faced by businesses and locals.

The province should quickly submit its socio-economic development plan for 2021-30 to his office for approval, he added.

But PM Phúc did raise Bắc Giang’s reliance in FDI, untapped potential, poor attention to entertainment services and trade union activities, along with issues regarding land, transportation, logistics, agricultural production, vocational training and urban development.

Given this, the province needs to utilise its labour advantages, pay more heed to high-tech, e-commerce, digital economy and infrastructure, towards a smart economy.

Agriculture holds a competitive edge in Bắc Giang, he said, suggesting the province build a modern and sustainable sector, focusing on organic and clean agricultural production.

The Government leader also urged the province to invest more in tourism and create breakthroughs in infrastructure, including digital infrastructure.

During his stay in Bắc Giang, PM Phúc visited an orchard named after late President Hồ Chí Minh in Trù Hựu Commune, Lục Ngạn District, and a national relic complex in Tiên Lục Commune, Lạng Giang District.

Bắc Giang is home to the largest area of lychee, with about 28,000ha. The province harvests 150,000-200,000 tonnes of the fruit each year. This year’s output is estimated at 160,000 tonnes.

Up to 15,000ha of lychee have met VietGAP standards while 218ha satisfy GlobalGAP standards.

Japan has issued 19 lychee growing area codes and China granted 149 lychee growing area codes and certified 288 packaging facilities in Bắc Giang. — VNS
