Low quality gasoline businesses fined in Đắk Nông

August 26, 2019 - 16:22
The People’s Committee of Đắk Nông Province has fined three businesses a total of VNĐ500 million (US$21,500) for trading low-quality gasoline.


A filling station in Đắk Nông Province's Gia Nghĩa Commune has been closed for selling fake petrol. — Photo news.zing.vn

ĐẮK NÔNG — The People’s Committee of Central Highlands Đắk Nông Province has fined three businesses a total of VNĐ500 million (US$21,500) for trading low-quality gasoline, news.zing.vn reported. 

Thanh Hằng Private Enterprise, located in Đắk Mil District’s Đức Mạnh Commune, has been fined nearly VNĐ330 million ($14,190) for selling low-quality RON 95 gasoline. The committee has revoked the enterprise’s certificate of eligibility to act as a petrol and oil retail agent for a month.

The amount of gasoline sold was estimated at VNĐ110 million ($4,730).

Mã Việt Private Enterprise, located in Krông Nô District’s Nậm N’dir Commune, has been fined roughly VNĐ98 million ($4,214) and had their business license suspended for the same violation.

The gasoline sold was estimated to be worth more than VNĐ32 million ($1,376).

Quốc Vinh Private Enterprise, located in Cư Jút District’s Đắk Wil Commune, has been fined VNĐ80 million ($3,440).

The three companies were required to stop operation for further investigation.

In May, the Ministry of Public Security, in co-operation with Đắk Nông Province’s Police Department, broke up a large-scale fake petrol production and trading ring.

The ring, led by Trịnh Sướng, was found to have been purchasing solvent for the production of their fake gasoline since January 2017. About six million litres of fake fuel was produced on a monthly basis.

The fake fuel was sold in seven localities in the country.

The police made a series of raids on filling stations and seized more than three million litres of substances, tanks and colourings as materials for fake fuel.

Sướng, as well as 27 suspects, were arrested and faced legal proceedings for producing and trading counterfeit gasoline. — VNS


