
BEIJING,CHINA - MediaOutReach - 18 July 2019 - RuselectronicsHolding Company (part of Rostec) will introduce new pneumo-frameinflatable modular buildings to the market, intended for quick erection of temporarystructures, such as field hospitals, storages, mobile sport facilities, etc.Mounting process takes only 1-2 hours.
The pneumo-frame buildings were created by the Dolgoprudnenskoe Design Bureau of Automatics (part ofRuselectronics) -- Russia's leading designer and producer of airships and otheraerostats. Taffeta (polyester silk) used in these inflatable buildings is alsowidely used in production of aircraft. This material is more environmentallyfriendly and non-toxic than polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is traditionallyused in prefabricated constructions.
"Rostec continues to increase the selection andproduction volumes of its civilian products. According to our strategy, shareof civilian products in the total revenue should exceed 50% by 2025. Due totheir characteristics, pneumo-frame buildings can be used in emergency responseoperations, making them especially relevant for countries with a high risk ofnatural disasters, such as India, China and Southeast Asian states. These newproducts also fully meet modern high-level environmental standards", said theExecutive Director of Rostec, OlegYevtushenko.
Pneumo-frame buildings areerected using an electro-compressor that injects pressurized air into the tubularinflatable cylinders. These constructs are mobile, lightweight and compact whenfolded. Such structures do not require afoundation and can be quickly installedon any surfaces, including snow, sand and rocky soil. They also allow oneto easily and safely install ventilation, heating and various access systems -gates, doors and hatches. Inflatable buildings have high seismic resistance andcan be operated at any time of the year, withstanding heavy snow, thermal andwind loads and extreme temperatures from -60 to +60 degrees Celsius. Ifnecessary, the prefabricated constructions can be easily dismantled and reused.
The cost of one product starts at $24 000 (1.5 millionrubles) depending on the size and the customer's wishes for additional options,for example, the number of entrances.
Rostec is a Russian State Corporation that was establishedin 2007 to facilitate the development, production and export of high-techindustrial products designed for civilian and military applications. TheCorporation comprises over 700 organizations that are currently part of elevenholding companies operating in the military-industrial complex and threeholding companies working in civilian industry, as well as over 80 directlymanaged organizations. Rostec's portfolio includes well-known brands such asAVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, Concern Kalashnikov, Russian Helicopters, UralVagonZavod, etc.Rostec companies are located in 60 constituent entities of the RussianFederation and supply products to the markets of more than 100 countries.According to Rostec's strategy, the main objective of the Corporation is toensure that Russia has a technological advantage in highly competitive globalmarkets. Rostec's key objectives include the introduction of a newtechno-economic paradigm and digitalization of Russian economy.