Soldiers uncover over 460 warheads in Quảng Trị

August 08, 2018 - 17:10

Quảng Trị Province’s Mobile UXO Clearance Team, in co-operation with border guards of Lao Bảo International Border Gate and Lao Bảo Township Military Command have successfully removed 463 warheads and bombs in the border area of Hướng Hoá District.

A bomb weighing more than 240 kilogrammes, measuring 1.6 metres in length, was found more than six metres underground on April 19, 2017. — VNA/VNS Photo Trần Tĩnh
Viet Nam News

QUẢNG TRỊ — Quảng Trị Province’s Mobile UXO Clearance Team, in co-operation with border guards of Lao Bảo International Border Gate and Lao Bảo Township Military Command have successfully removed 463 warheads and bombs in the border area of Hướng Hoá District.

On August 7, after receiving information from locals in Xuân Phước Village in Lao Bảo Township, the team coordinated with functional forces to conduct field inspections and safety checks on explosive materials.

The team found 463 warheads and bombs of all kinds. Most of the warheads were intact, posing a high risk of explosion. The explosives were later moved to Ruộng Village in Hướng Tân Commune for controlled detonation.

Trần Văn Thanh, head of the provincial mobile clearance team, said the most difficult part of the process was the classification of the high number of explosives for timely disposal.

The source of the explosives, according to Thanh, could be from scrap owners who could not handle the amount of explosives. — VNS

