Hậu Giang’s ethnic minority children enjoy free English classes

August 06, 2024 - 08:08
Every week, the ethnic minority children from the the Mekong Delta look forward to their English classes.
Students at a free English class for ethnic minority children in Ward 4, Vị Thanh City, the Mekong Delta province of Hậu Giang.—VNA/VNS Photo Nguyễn Hằng

HẬU GIANG — Danh Thị Diễm My, an ethnic minority student, of Ward 4, Vị Thanh City, the Mekong Delta province of Hậu Giang, is eagerly learning English alongside other children at the Pô Thi Răng Sây pagoda.

Diễm My said she and her friends had more free time in the summer and in addition to learning Khmer at the pagoda, they also attended free English classes taught by the youth volunteers.

“Each lesson helps me learn new vocabulary. The English quiz games with prizes make everyone excited."

Every week, the ethnic minority children always look forward to their English classes, which are held twice a week for free as announced by the city’s Youth Union.

The classes, which attract around 20 young people, cover various topics each session, using partcipatory methods to help the children quickly grasp new vocabulary and improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

In addition to learning new words, the children are divided into groups to discuss, exchange ideas and participate in English quiz games.

Many extracurricular activities are also incorporated to provide the children with additional useful skills during the summer.

Children are excited at a free English class for ethnic minority children in Ward 4, Vị Thanh City, the Mekong Delta province of Hậu Giang.—VNA/VNS Photo Nguyễn Hằng

Lê Hoàng Phi Long, also from the ward, said English was his favourite subject. For each lesson a teacher introduced a new topic, such as animals, vehicles, traffic, continents as well as everyday vocabulary.

“When new words are taught, I write them down carefully, then rewrite them at home to remember their meanings and pronunciation,” he said. Thanks to that, he knew all the words taught in class by heart.

“I strive to study hard and dream of becoming an English and Khmer teacher to pass on knowledge to children in my village,” he said.

A meaningful initiative

For the members and volunteers of the city’s Youth Union, the initiative of organising free English classes for local ethnic minority children is highly significant.

It serves as a motivation to engage more closely with children from remote and ethnic minority areas, helping them have a meaningful summer and acquire useful knowledge before the new school year 2024-25.

Đoàn Như Huỳnh, a student at Hậu Giang Community College, said that was the first year she had participated in teaching English to ethnic minority children.

“The children are very bright and endearing. The friendly connection in the teaching and learning process has left a lasting impression on me,” she said.

She hoped to be involved in more English teaching sessions in the future, especially for children in remote and ethnic minority areas, to bring knowledge and positive experiences to them.

A volunteer teaches English for ethnic minority children in Ward 4, Vị Thanh City, the Mekong Delta province of Hậu Giang.—VNA/VNS Photo Nguyễn Hằng

Currently, the city’s Youth Union has operated three free English classes for ethnic minority children in Ward 3 and Ward 4, with over 60 participants.

The classes are organised and taught by volunteers from various universities and colleges, both within and outside the province.

Võ Thị Thúy Băng, deputy secretary of the city’s Youth Union, said that since the start of summer, the union had been widely announcing the foreign language courses for children, particularly for ethnic minority children in the area.

The union scheduled to continue offering free classes every Saturday and Sunday throughout the 2024-25 academic year for underprivileged and ethnic minority children.

According to the province’s Youth Union, the free English classes for ethnic minority children in the city were considered one of the pioneering activities of the provincial youth during the summer volunteer campaign.

They helped the children update and supplement their foreign language skills and created an environment for more active participation in extracurricular activities.

Secretary of the province’s Youth Union, Bùi Hữu Lộc, said the city’s Youth Union was effectively implementing the directives of the province’s Youth Union.

The province’s Youth Union would continue to promote and expand the model, he said.

Statistics from the Youth Union, show that there are currently 47 free English classes for children across the province with over 1,450 participants, showcasing a strong collaboration between youth unions, local authorities and parents in supporting and guiding children from remote and ethnic minority areas. —VNS
